Day 1 - Tuesday 29th March

Session Timing

The core session timing is as follows. The meeting line will be open 30 minutes before the start of sessions. If you wish to test your IT setup (mic, speakers, screen sharing) please flag the SIT Chair Team by email ( or on the meeting chat.

Washington DC





06:30 - 09:00

10:30 - 13:00

12:30 - 15:00

19:30 - 22:00

21:30 - 00:00

A more complete set of local times can be found here.


Contact the SIT Chair Team to test your audio and screen sharing before or during this arrival period.

10:00 - 10:30

Agenda times UTC

Session 1: Welcome and Opening Session

Objectives: Brief reminder of SIT Chair priorities and SIT-37 objectives. Framing of points relevant to SIT-37 objectives from the CEOS 2022-2024 Work Plan and the CEOS-GEO dialogue. CEOS Chair update on their priorities as they relate to SIT-37, and report by the CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO).

Decision Points:

  1. None identified.

Session Duration: 30 mins

Target Session Start: 10:30 UTC


Welcome and Opening Remarks 

Simonetta Cheli/SIT Chair


  • SIT Chair Priorities
  • Meeting Objectives

10 mins 


CEOS 2022-2024 Work Plan - Highlights

Marie-Claire Greening/CEO [presentation]

  • Status and Summary
  • Links to SIT-37 agenda

5 mins


Progress on CEOS Chair Priorities

Selma Cherchali/CEOS Chair

  • CNES Priorities Update

15 mins


SEO Report

Brian Killough/SEO

  • SEO Activities
  • CEOS Communications

10 mins

Session 2: Climate and Carbon

Objectives: Review of the multiplicity of activities across the CEOS structure in relation to our support to the UNFCCC, the Paris Climate Agreement and its Global Stocktake process. This includes opportunities around Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU), greenhouse gases (GHG), and above ground biomass.

Decision Points:

  1. Next steps on the CEOS inputs to the Systematic Observations synthesis report with UNFCCC SEC.
  2. AFOLU Roadmap feedback, next steps, and intra-CEOS links
  3. Latest on the GST Strategy and the resulting action status

Session Duration: 1h55m

Target Session Start: 11:00 UTC


Session Overview & Context
SIT Chair Team [combined session presentation]

5 mins


WGClimate Report on COP-26 Outcomes & Use Case Studies progress
Albrecht von Bargen/WGClimate

  • COP-26 outcomes
  • Use Case Studies
  • GCOS IP process and CEOS
  • UNOOSA-UKSA Space Climate mapping

10 mins


GHG Roadmap Update
Mark Dowell/COM

  • Update
  • GHG-AFOLU Workshop and next steps

10 mins


AFOLU Roadmap Update

Osamu Ochiai/JAXA, Frank Martin Seifert/ESA, Ben Poulter/NASA / LSI-VC Forest & Biomass

  • 2021 Recap
  • 2022 objectives and progress
  • Support
  • GEO-TREES: Forest Biomass Reference Network (Klaus Scipal)
  • Discussion inc. links to other CEOS teams

15 mins


11:40 UTC

5 mins


National Inventory User Engagement

Sylvia Wilson, Joana Melo / USGS SilvaCarbon

15 mins


CEOS Strategy for the Global Stocktake

Stephen Briggs/SIT Chair Team

  • Actions update

10 mins


GST Process & Systematic Observations Synthesis Report
Joanna Post/UNFCCC SEC & Frank-Martin Seifert/ESA/LSI-VC Forests and Biomass

  • Update & Outlook for GST Process
  • SO Report - Latest Version and Way Forward
  • Discussion

15 mins


Summary, outlook & coordination

SIT Chair Team

  • Discussion

15 mins


~13:05 UTC

Day 2 - Wednesday 30th March

Session Timing

The core session timing is as follows. The meeting line will be open 30 minutes before the start of sessions. If you wish to test your IT setup (mic, speakers, screen sharing), please flag the SIT Chair Team by email ( or on the meeting chat.

Washington DC





06:30 - 09:10

10:30 - 13:10

12:30 - 15:10

19:30 - 22:10

21:30 - 00:10

A more complete set of local times can be found here.


Contact the SIT Chair Team to test your audio and screen sharing before or during this arrival period.

10:00 - 10:30

Agenda times UTC

Session 3: Global Agendas - CEOS priorities

Objectives: Review progress and provide input on CEOS support to existing commitments: SDGs and Disasters. Discussion on possible future support for CEOS around the topic of biodiversity.

Biodiversity Item 3.3 Objectives:

  • Show why EO is essential for biodiversity monitoring
  • Show CEOS agencies it is worthwhile for them to do more
  • Show example needs and gaps that RS can fill and tie to key orgs e.g. CBD

Decision Points:

  1. None identified.

Session introduction.

Session Duration: 1h20m

 Target Session Start: 10:30 UTC



Brian Killough/SEO, Laurent Durieux/GEO

  • Outcomes from SDG discussion at CEOS-GEO Coordination Meeting
  • GEO-coordinated regular three-way conversation with custodian agencies
  • CEOS engagement with top level UN agencies on SDG (analogue to COP/UNFCCC and Sendai engagements)

30 mins



Hélène de Boissezon/WGDisasters

  • Recognition of RO Demo activity in the UN General Assembly declaration on Space 2030 Agenda
  • Plans for wildfire pilot

20 mins



Gary Geller/NASA, Marie-Josée Bourassa/CSA

30 mins


11:50 UTC

5 mins

Session 4: New Space & Future CEOS

Objectives: Reflection on the new geometries in the satellite EO sector, including increasing proportion of commercial missions, and CEOS agency arrangements for commercial data buy and partnerships - hearing agency experiences and examples and strategising how public programmes and CEOS must adapt in the decade ahead with this new context. Please refer to the background paper (v1) distributed ahead of SIT for further context and objectives.

Decision Points:

  1. Topics for CEOS to explore further in this domain

Session Duration: 1h05 mins

Target Session Start: 11:55 UTC



SIT Chair Team [presentation]

  • Role of public and private EO and the changing dynamic
  • Trends of relevance to CEOS agencies and CEOS
  • Possible responses to explore
  • Session objectives

15 mins


Case studies from CEOS Agencies

In response to SIT Chair invitation ahead of SIT-37

  • New geometries with New Space companies
  • Space Segment / Data Segment / Services and Applications
  • CNES: Industry Initiatives and Partnerships (Selma Cherchali, 10 min)
  • COM (Mauro Facchini, 10 min)
  • NOAA (Steve Volz, 10 min)

30 mins


Discussion on CEOS Strategy

  • Other examples to review
  • Issues raised and discussion
  • Candidate measures and directions
  • Next steps

15 mins


Day 2 Closing Remarks

SIT Chair

5 mins


~13:00 UTC

Day 3 - Thursday 31st March

Session Timing

The core session timing is as follows. The meeting line will be open 30 minutes before the start of sessions. If you wish to test your IT setup (mic, speakers, screen sharing), please flag the SIT Chair Team by email ( or on the meeting chat.

Washington DC





06:30 - 09:00

10:30 - 13:00

12:30 - 15:00

19:30 - 22:00

21:30 - 00:00

A more complete set of local times can be found here.


Contact the SIT Chair Team to test your audio and screen sharing before or during this arrival period.

10:00 - 10:30

Agenda times UTC

Session 5: Working Teams Business

Objectives: This session will be reserved for business items nominated by Virtual Constellations, Working Groups, and ad hoc Teams which require decision, endorsement, and/or SIT and CEOS Principal attention.

Decision Points:

  1. Endorsement of CEOS ARD Oversight Group Terms of Reference.

Session introduction.

Session Duration: 45 mins

Target Session Start: 10:30 UTC


CEOS ARD Oversight Group -

Update & Outlook

Ferran Gascon (ARD Oversight Group Lead) & Steve Labahn (LSI-VC Co-Lead) [presentation]

15 min


Update on Aquatic Carbon

Marie-Helene Rio/ESA and Ewa Kwiatkowska/EUMETSAT - OCR-VC

10 min


AC-VC Issues
Ben Veihelmann/AC-VC

WP: 5 mins

IMEO: 15 mins

Session 6: Oceans and Coasts

Objectives: Review early discussion towards optimised CEOS coordination on Oceans, following-up from CEOS Plenary. Brief update on CEOS contributions to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

Decision Points:

  1. None identified.

Session introduction.

Session Duration: 20 mins

Target Session Start: 11:15 UTC


Oceans Coordination Team

Ivan Petiteville/SIT Chair Team [presentation]

  • Potential CEOS level actions
  • Next Steps

10 min


Update on Contributions to the UN Decade

Joint: Paul M. DiGiacomo/CEOS-COAST [presentation] and Jorge Vazquez/COVERAGE



Session 7: Closing

Objectives: Provide an opportunity for a Plenary session if required. Review session discussion, items arising, any other business, and actions. Closing remarks and future meetings.

Decision Points:

  1. As may arise from CEOS Plenary session
  2. Review of decision points from SIT discussion
  3. Agreement of actions

Session introduction.

Session Duration: 1h20m

Target Session Start: 11:40 UTC


11:35 UTC

5 mins


CEOS Plenary Session (Discussion)


  • CEO/DCEO continuity
  • Future CEOS Chair nominations
  • Other topics to be coordinated if/as they arise

15 mins


Update on CEOS-GEO Coordination

Doug Cripe/GEO Secretariat, Ivan Petiteville/SIT Chair Team

  • Key CEOS-GEO Coordination Meeting outcomes (report)

10 mins


Closing Discussion

SIT Chair Team Moderation

  • Session summary slide deck [presentation]
  • Discussion points arising or needing revisiting from earlier in SIT-37
  • Any other business

30 mins


Review of Draft Decisions and Actions

SIT Chair Team

  • Decisions and Actions draft of [document]

15 mins


Closing Remarks

SIT Chair

  • Reflections on the meeting objectives
  • Coming meetings: SIT Chair - Working Teams, Technical Workshop, CEOS Plenary

10 mins


13:00 UTC