39th Meeting of the CEOS Strategic Implementation Team (SIT-39) 9 - 11 April 2024

Tokyo, Japan



SIT-39 is the first of four SIT and Technical Workshop meetings that will be convened during the JAXA-led SIT Chair term of 2024-2025. With SIT-39, we aim to set the scene for the SIT Chair priorities endorsed by the 2023 CEOS Plenary and to build CEOS community support for the activities and targets of the two-year term. In addition, the SIT Chair team will work across CEOS to advance existing and evolving CEOS business.  The JAXA SIT Chair term will have a strong focus on:

Substantive sessions will be organised for each topic, and we strongly encourage in-person representation by the relevant CEOS Agency experts that CEOS relies on to drive the dialogue and decisions in each case. The SIT-39 main sessions and objectives are as follows.

Climate Policy Impact Session

Greenhouse Gas Observation Session

Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) Session

Existing and Emerging Business Session

-        CEOS relationship with the International Coordination Group for Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (ICGS-SAR).

In addition, the meeting will feature a range of other topics requested by the leadership of CEOS Working Groups and Virtual Constellations.

Week at a Glance

Tuesday, April 9th

Wednesday, April 10th

Thursday, April 11th

Side Meetings

Ecosystem Extent Task Team

CEOS Chair Biodiversity Priority

CEOS Secretariat Meeting #320 (SEC-320, closed)

Greenhouse Gas Coordination Meeting

CEOS Communications Team

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Coordination Group

GEOGLAM & Essential Agriculture Variables

SilvaCarbon & GEOGLAM Coordination

ICGS-SAR & CEOS Discussion (Closed)

SIT-39 Day 1


Opening Session

Objectives, Work Plan

AFOLU Session

Harmonisation lessons

National demonstrator activities

AFOLU roadmap actions

Existing/Emerging Business
Biodiversity, COAST VC, CEOS Work Plan, Ecosystem Extent, GEOGLAM


Climate Policy Impact

COP/GST update

Future strategies

SIT-39 Day 2


Existing/Emerging Business
Commercial EO, VC & WG issues, WMO update


GHG Observations

WMO G3W and CEOS continuity issues towards GST2

Measurement standards

CEOS GHG Roadmap

CEOS & IMEO relationship

Existing/Emerging Business

Aquatic Carbon Roadmap


SIT-39 Supporting Documents and References (TBC)


Agenda #


CEOS 2024-2026 Work Plan


For information

AFOLU Roadmap


For information

CEOS Chair Biodiversity Priority


For information

COAST Virtual Constellation


For decision

GEOGLAM preliminary proposal for CEOS Agency support for operational agricultural monitoring and food security needs.


For information

Updated P-VC Terms of Reference


For decision

CEOS ARD Strategy 2024


For information

CEOS GHG Roadmap 2024 update to align with changing sector (including G3W)


For information

UKSA/NPL Activity Report


For information

ICGS-SAR and CEOS Coordination (TBC)


For information

37th CEOS Plenary Actions Due at SIT-39


Agenda #


Plenary Action CEOS-37-01 [Due SIT-39] The CEOS AFOLU Roadmap Team within LSI-VC was tasked with creating an action supplement to track implementation of the CEOS AFOLU Roadmap endorsed by the 2023 CEOS Plenary.


Action supplement and schedule status to be discussed under item 2.3.

Plenary Action CEOS-37-04 [Due SIT-39] The Precipitation Virtual Constellation (P-VC) Leads were tasked with developing and presenting updated P-VC Terms of Reference for review and potential endorsement at SIT-39.


P-VC to present the updated Terms of Reference under item 6.1.

Plenary Action CEOS-37-05 [Due SIT-39] All CEOS Working Group Chairs and Virtual Constellation Co-leads were asked to review their key documents featured on ceos.org/observations and provide updates to the SIT Chair Team.


This is an ongoing task. Updates welcome at any point in time. SIT Chair will continue updating this page as needed.

Plenary Action CEOS-37-06 [Due SIT-39] CEOS Agencies that are interested in contributing a Demonstrator for the Ecosystem Extent mapping activity were asked to coordinate with the CEOS Ecosystem Extent Task Team Leads.


Progress update to be discussed under item 3.2.

Plenary Action CEOS-37-07 [Due SIT-39] Consistent with the CEOS Virtual Constellations Process Paper (Section 5), the CEOS COAST Ad Hoc Team Co-leads were tasked to develop a Full Proposal for a new COAST Virtual Constellation, including Terms of Reference and an Implementation Plan, in time for consideration and decision at the April 2024 SIT-39 meeting.


Complete: COAST has submitted the documents. To be further discussed under item 3.3.

Plenary Action CEOS-37-08 [Due SIT-39] Working with the relevant CEOS entities, the CEOS Executive Officer and the ESA 2022-2023 SIT Chair team will consider the CEOS New Space Task Team’s recommendations and suggested deliverables (and the related discussion from the 2023 CEOS Plenary) in the development of the CEOS 2024-2026 Work Plan.


To be discussed under item 6.3

Tuesday 9th April – Side Meeting Schedule


Room 1 (40 people)

Room 2 (28 people)

Room 3 (15 people)

09:30 - 10:00

Ecosystem Extent Task Team

POC: Gary Geller (NASA)

Webex line

Greenhouse Gas Coordination

POC: Stephen Ward (SIT Chair Team)

Webex line

- GHG Roadmap

- Measurement standards


- WMO engagement

- GST2 targets for public space

- GHG Portal updates

10:00 - 10:30


POC: Eric Laliberté (CSA)

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:30

Biodiversity - CEOS Organisation Discussion

POC: Eric Laliberté (CSA)

Webex line

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:30

LUNCH (self organised)

13:30 - 14:00


POC: Matt Steventon (CEOS Chair Team)
Webex line

Greenhouse Gas Coordination Cont’d

POC: Stephen Ward (SIT Chair Team)

Webex line

14:00 - 14:30

14:30 - 15:00


(inc SilvaCarbon cooperation)

POC: Alyssa Whitcraft (NASA)

Webex line

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30


POC: Stephen Ward (SIT Chair Team)

Webex line

SDG Coordination Group

POC: Flora Kerblat (CSIRO)

Webex line

16:30 - 17:00

SIT-39 Day 1

Wednesday 10th April


Arrival and Welcome Coffee

Welcome coffee for in-person participants will be available and the meeting teleconference connection will be open for testing.

09:00 - 09:30

Agenda times Tokyo (JST)

Session 1: Welcome and Opening Session

Objectives: Scene-setting overview of the SIT Chair term and review of SIT-39 objectives and format. Tour de Table introductions of participants.

Session Duration: 55 min Session Start: 09:30 JST


Welcome and Opening Remarks [for information]

Takeshi Hirabayashi (JAXA, SIT Chair)

  • Overview of SIT Chair Priorities
  • Tour de Table introductions (by CEOS Agency Principals for their delegations)

20 min


SIT-39 Objectives & Action Review [for information]

Osamu Ochiai (JAXA, SIT Chair Team)

  • Review of agenda sessions and headline objectives
  • Review of select actions from the 2023 CEOS Plenary

20 min


CEOS 2024-2026 Work Plan [for information]

Steven Ramage (CEOS Executive Officer)

  • Work Plan status and outstanding issues
  • Actions required

15 min

Session 2: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Activities

Objectives: Review actions status of the CEOS AFOLU Roadmap and hear related activities.

 Session Discussion Points:

  1. Consider lessons to be learned from the biomass harmonisation project underway and broader implications for space agency coordination and provision of global datasets.
  2. CEOS engagement in national demonstrator activities.
  3. Feedback on CEOS AFOLU Roadmap actions and directing any course corrections needed.

Session Duration: 1 hour 45 min Session Start: 10:25 JST


Biomass Harmonisation Project and Lessons for Space Agencies [for discussion]

Julie Robinson (NASA) Introduction, Laura Duncanson (UMD/NASA)

  • NASA Biomass Harmonisation Project
  • Lessons learned that are applicable for other global-scale products

40 min

of CEOS Agencies

  • Discussion

Group Photo and Break (11:05)

25 min


AFOLU National Demonstrator Activities [for discussion]

Sylvia Wilson (USGS/SilvaCarbon)

  • Cambodia and other work
  • Discussion: CEOS Agency engagement in national demonstrator activities

20 min

10 min

10 min


CEOS AFOLU Roadmap Action Status [for discussion]

Osamu Ochiai (LSI-VC Forests and Biomass Subgroup)

  • CEOS-37-01: The CEOS AFOLU Roadmap Team within LSI-VC was tasked with creating an Action Supplement to track implementation of the CEOS AFOLU Roadmap endorsed by the 2023 CEOS Plenary.
  • Actions Supplement status and schedule
  • Discussion

20 min

Session 3: Existing & Emerging Business

Objectives: Progress existing and emerging business across the CEOS structure.

Session Discussion Points:

  1. Initial proposals from the CEOS Chair regarding the future of biodiversity in CEOS – including observables and organisational aspects.
  2. CEOS support to the Ecosystem Extent Task Team Demonstrators.
  3. Preliminary proposal for CEOS Agency support for operational agricultural monitoring and food security needs. Request for additional CEOS Agency support for the LSI-VC GEOGLAM subgroup to develop and implement a CEOS response to agriculture needs. Representation of the LSI-VC GEOGLAM subgroup.

Session Discussion and Decision Points:

1. COAST Virtual Constellation – Full Proposal, Implementation Plan, and Terms of Reference.

Session Duration: 1 hour 20 min Session Start: 12:10 JST


CEOS Chair Biodiversity Priority [for discussion]

Eric Laliberte (CSA, CEOS Chair)

  • Findings related to CEOS-internal organisational aspects from consultations with CEOS Agencies, Working Groups, and Virtual Constellations.
  • Engagement with external stakeholders, UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat, GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (BON), and plans for a joint workshop (dates TBA): “Trilateral Collaboration between UN CBD, GEO BON & CEOS”.
  • Headline outcomes of the April 9 side meeting.
  • Discussion: Reactions of CEOS Principals to initial proposals from the CEOS Chair regarding the future of biodiversity in CEOS – including organisational aspects.

15 min

5 min


Ecosystem Extent Task Team Demonstrators [for discussion]

Gary Geller (NASA/JPL, CEOS Ecosystem Extent Task Team Co-Lead) on behalf of Demonstrator Leads: Jason Duffe (Environment Canada), Shaun

15 min

Levick (CSIRO), Sandra Luque (INRAE/CNES)

  • Progress update
  • Discussion: Additional requests of CEOS Agencies and Principals

5 min


Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) [for information]

Cathrine Armour

  • TNFD recommendations and Data Initiatives work programme

10 min


COAST Virtual Constellation [for decision]

Paul DiGiacomo (NOAA, COAST Co-Lead)

  • Terms of Reference
  • Implementation Plan
  • Full Proposal
  • Discussion:  Proposal for a COAST Virtual Constellation – decisions and next steps.

20 min

10 min

10 min


GEOGLAM Agricultural Observation Requirements [for discussion]

Alyssa Whitcraft (LSI-VC GEOGLAM Subgroup)

  • GEOGLAM and Essential Agriculture Variables update
  • Preliminary proposal for CEOS Agency support for operational agricultural monitoring and food security needs.
  • Request: Additional CEOS Agency support for LSI-VC GEOGLAM subgroup to formulate and action a CEOS response to agriculture needs.
  • Discussion

20 min

10 min

Lunch (13:30 - 14:30)

60 min

Session 4: Climate Policy Impact


  1. Take stock of the Earth observation community’s interface and impact on the climate policy process – notably the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Global Stocktake (GST). This includes a report from the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) on the first Global Stocktake (GST1).
  2. Debate the way forward, new approaches, and new opportunities – including improved coordination across Earth observation frameworks, between CEOS and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), between research and operational agencies and more.
  3. Consider specific strategies aimed at the GST2 timeframe (2028) to provide focus and mobilisation of community efforts. Agree on whether the CEOS GST Strategy (2021) actions need to be updated accordingly.

Session Discussion Points:

  1. Reflection on the effectiveness of our engagement with policy processes – notably with UNFCCC and the GST.
  2. Possible new approaches and partnerships, including a strategy towards GST2 timeframe (2028).

Session Decision Points:

1. The most promising opportunities for the 2024-25 SIT Chair Term in relation to climate policy impact and engagement, and CEOS Agency contributions.

Session Duration: 3 hours 15 min Session Start: 14:30 JST


Session Introduction [for information]

Osamu Ochiai (JAXA, SIT Chair Team)

  • Objectives and agenda for this session

10 min


New Approaches and Strategies for the Space-based Earth Observation Community [for discussion]

Mark Dowell (European Commission) & Wenying Su (WGClimate)

  • Challenges and opportunities
  • GST2 focus
  • WMO engagement
  • Discussion

60 min


Space-based Earth Observation Community’s Role in the Policy Process [for discussion]

Giacomo Grassi (EC-JRC, remotely from Italy)

  • TBA
  • Discussion

20 min

Break (16:00)

20 min


Space-based Earth Observation Impact on UNFCCC COP/GST Process – Reflections Following COP28/GST1 [for discussion]

Akibi Tsukui (IGES, remotely from UK)

  • Report
  • Assessment and outlook
  • Discussion

30 min


WGClimate Perspectives and Updates [for information]

Jeff Privette (NOAA, WGClimate Chair)

  • GCOS Implementation Plan Response
  • Others

15 min


Climate Policy Impact Closing Discussion [for discussion]

Moderator: Osamu Ochiai (JAXA, SIT Chair Team)

  • Communities coordination
  • GST2
  • Next steps and actions for the SIT Chair term

40 min



18:30: Reception at International House of Japan

Bus transportation will be provided between venues, departing the meeting venue at 18:00.

SIT-39 Day 2

Thursday 11th April


Arrival and Welcome Coffee

Welcome coffee for in-person participants will be available and the meeting teleconference connection will be open for testing.

09:00 - 09:30

Agenda times Tokyo (JST)

Session 5: Day 1 Recap & Brief Discussion, Day 2 Outlook

Objectives: Revisit the main outcomes of Day 1 to capture any final thoughts or suggestions.

Session Discussion Points:

1.        Further thoughts or revisiting points arising from the discussions yesterday.

Session Decision Points:

1.        Capturing or refining any resulting actions.

Session Duration: 20 min Session Start: 09:30 JST


Day 1 Recap [for discussion]

Takeshi Hirabayashi (JAXA, SIT Chair)

  • Recap
  • Comments from CEOS Principals

15 min


Day 2 Objectives & Agenda [for information]

Osamu Ochiai (JAXA, SIT Chair Team)

  • Agenda sessions and objectives

5 min

Session 6: Existing & Emerging Business II

Objectives: Advance existing and emerging business across the CEOS structure.

Session Discussion Points:

  1. The ESA PolInSAR workshop produced a number of recommendations regarding requirements for multi-mission, multi-frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) datasets over supersites, overall increased synergy of SAR satellite systems, and the need for new research sites. These requirements were discussed at LSI-VC-14 (Oct. 2023) and certain relevant outputs will be presented to CEOS Principals for awareness.
  2. The drivers behind the precipitation CEOS-ARD Product Family Specification and relevance to other thematic areas.
  3. The CEOS-ARD Strategy has been revised to reflect the latest activities and forward development path for the Framework and Specifications.
  4. Headlines from the SIT Chair’s biannual consultations with Virtual Constellations will be presented to CEOS Principals for awareness.
  5. As a follow-on to the CEOS New Space Task Team, the SIT Chair has committed to continuing the dialogue around CEOS interactions with the commercial and ‘New Space’ sector. This session will provide an opportunity for CEOS Agencies to present their latest engagements, findings, perspectives, etc.

Session Decision Points:


Potential endorsement of the revised Precipitation Virtual Constellation (P-VC) Terms of Reference.

Session Duration: 1 hour 50 min Session Start: 09:50 JST


Virtual Constellation/Working Group Issues & Discussions [for decision & information]


  • Precipitation Virtual Constellation (P-VC) (Chris Kidd, NASA)
  • Updated P-VC Terms of Reference (For Decision)
  • Overview of the first precipitation CEOS-ARD Product Family Specifications and the drivers for its development (For Information)
  • Land Surface Imaging Virtual Constellation (LSI-VC): ESA PolInSAR recommendations (Steve Labahn, LSI-VC Co-Lead) (For Information)
  • CEOS-ARD Strategy 2024 (Steve Labahn, LSI-VC for Ferran Gascon, ESA, CEOS-ARD Oversight Group Lead) (For Information)
  • Recap of other Virtual Constellation issues (Osamu Ochiai, JAXA, SIT Chair Team)
  • Ocean Surface Topography (OST-VC) leadership

45 min

15 min

10 min

10 min

10 min


WMO Update [for discussion]

Natalia Donoho (WMO)

  • 15th Session of Consultative Meetings on High-Level Policy on Satellite Matters (CM-15, February 2024) meeting outcomes
  • Commercial sector perspectives
  • Other updates of relevance to CEOS and space agencies

15 min


Commercial Sector Issues [for information]


  • CEOS New Space Task Team recommendations and impact on the CEOS 2024-2026 Work Plan (Marie-Claire Greening, ESA)
  • Recap of the New Space Task Team’s work in 2023 (Osamu Ochiai, JAXA SIT Chair Team)
  • Report on Tokyo LSI-VC industry engagement session (Steve Labahn, LSI-VC) (For Information)
  • CEOS Analytics Lab (CAL) commercial data interoperability study (Dave Borges, NASA/SEO)
  • USGS update
  • Other requested Agency updates
  • Discussion

50 min

5 min

5 min

5 min

5 min

10 min

10 min

10 min

Break (11:40)

20 min

Session 7: Greenhouse Gas Observations


  1. Hear the latest on the WMO Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W) initiative, its Implementation Plan and debate the opportunities for CEOS to collaborate, including through reflection in our own CEOS Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Roadmap (2020).
  2. Agree on changes needed to the CEOS GHG Roadmap in 2024 and the associated actions for its updating.
  3. Take stock of CEOS Agency changes in GHG observation continuity and the outlook for data supply and product generation through to the GST2 timeframe (2028).
  4. Review and discuss various activities underway to document best practices and standards for measurement of GHGs from space and seek to establish consensus on any necessary coordination and the ultimate goals for CEOS.

5.        Discuss the way forward for the CEOS relationship with the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO), while also acknowledging the national policy dimension.

Session Discussion Points:

  1. Taking stock of CEOS Agency GHG activities and our collective roadmap
  2. Considering opportunities with partners WMO and IMEO.
  3. Debating a way forward towards GST2 (2028).

Session Decision Points:

  1. Actions to update the CEOS GHG Roadmap for the 2024 CEOS Plenary.
  2. Actions to further develop the CEOS-IMEO relationship.
  3. Actions to ensure consistency across the measurement standards efforts.
  4. Way forward on a GST2 target for public space agencies.
  5. Actions for CEOS-WMO cooperation on G3W and more.

Session Duration: 4 hours 45 min Session Start: 12:00 JST


Session Introduction [for information]

David Crisp (SIT Chair Team) & Hiroshi Suto (JAXA, SIT Chair Team)

  • Objectives and agenda

10 min


CEOS Greenhouse Gas Roadmap Update [for discussion]

Yasjka Meijer (ESA, CEOS Greenhouse Gas Task Team Lead)

  • 2024 update to align with changing sector (including G3W) [for decision]
  • Discussion

30 min


International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) Activities and CEOS Cooperation [for discussion]

Cynthia Randles (IMEO)

  • Update on IMEO activities
  • Substance for CEOS cooperation
  • Discussion

30 min

Lunch (13:10 - 14:10)

60 min


Emission Measurement Best Practices & Standards [for discussion]

John Worden (NASA/JPL)

  • Best practices activity status and schedule
  • UKSA/NPL activity report
  • Discussion: Harmonising known activities (John Worden moderator)

[for decision]

45 min

15 min

10 min

10 min

10 min


GHG Continuity Coordination and Focus [for discussion]

David Crisp (SIT Chair Team) & Hiroshi Suto (JAXA, SIT Chair Team)

  • Status and outlook for CEOS Agency missions
  • Expected contributions from commercial missions
  • Strategic goal for the GST2 timeframe
  • Discussion

30 min


WMO Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W) and CEOS Cooperation [for discussion]

Gianpaolo Balsomo (WMO/G3W, remote from Geneva)

30 min

  • Update on G3W status and schedule
  • Substance for CEOS cooperation
  • Discussion

Break (15:55)

20 min


GHG Observations Closing Discussion [for discussion]

Moderator: David Crisp (SIT Chair Team)

  • GST2 goal
  • Important partnerships
  • CEOS GHG Roadmap update
  • Next steps and actions for the SIT term

30 min

Session 8: Other Business and Wrap-Up


  1. Address multiple matters of business outstanding.
  2. Review discussions and next steps from SIT-39. Session Discussion Points:
  1. Next steps on the Aquatic Carbon Roadmap.
  2. CEOS communications efforts, particularly in relation to the 40th anniversary of CEOS.
  3. The relationship between CEOS and the International Coordination Group for Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (ICGS-SAR).

Session Decision Points:

1.        Any support requests for the CEOS Aquatic Carbon Roadmap.

Session Duration: 1 hour 20 min Session Start: 16:45 JST


CEOS Aquatic Carbon Roadmap Update [for decision]

Marie-Helene Rio (ESA, OCR-VC Co-Lead)

  • Roadmap status and schedule
  • Discussion: Connections and drivers for the Roadmap

20 min

10 min

10 min


CEOS Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Coordination Group Update [for information]

Dave Borges (SEO, NASA)

10 min


CEOS Communications Update [for information]

Dave Borges (SEO, NASA)

  • CEOS 40th anniversary

10 min


International Coordination Group for Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (ICGS-SAR) and CEOS Agency Engagement [for discussion] CSA and JAXA (TBA)

  • ICGS-SAR overview, objectives and activities
  • Discussion: Possible approach for increased coordination between CEOS and ICGS-SAR

20 min

10 min

10 min


NASA’s Earth Science to Action Strategy Dr. Sid Boukabara (NASA)

5 min


SIT-39 Wrap-up [for information]

JAXA SIT Chair Team

  • Decision and action review
  • Closing remarks

15 min

