CEOS WGISS-24 Agenda

Updated 16th October 2007

For all of the Briefings – Zipped files

The directories of the presentations and documents --  here

WGISS 24 Group Photo

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bus departs hotels 8:00, arrives at DLR 8:30.

8:00       Bus Departs Hotels

9:00       WGISS Opening Session

9:00       Welcoming Session, Introductions of Participants               Ivan Petiteville

9:15       Welcome Address                                                                 Prof. Stefan Dech

                                                                                                             Director, German Remote

                                                                                                             Sensing Data Center

                                                                                                             Co-director of the Cluster

                                                                                                             Applied Remote Sensing

9:30       Review/Adoption of Agenda                                                Ivan Petiteville

9:35       Report from SIT Meeting                                                      Ivan Petiteville

10:25     User Vice Chair Report                                                         Liu Chuang

10:45     Break

11:15     Archive Task Team (ATT)

11:15     Introduction                                                                          Kengo Aizawa

11:18     GCOS Action reply                                                               Kengo Aizawa

11:30     Digital Data Preservation or Recovery                                  Stuart Doescher

              USGS LACS Status

11:40     Cost Estimation Tool Update                                                Kathy Fontaine

12:05     The IDSC concept for long-term                                          Bernd Ritschel

              sustainability of geosciences data and information

12:45     Lunch

13:45     WGISS Information Infrastructure Task Team (WITT)

13:45     WITT Team Summary                                                           Stuart Doescher

14:00     Project and Applications Subgroup

14:00     P&A Introduction                                                                 Pakorn Apaphant

                                                                                                             Kathy Fontaine

14:10     WTF Core Test Site                                                            Lyn Oleson

14:20     USGS report                                                                          Lyn Oleson

14:25     ESA Cal/Val Portal Demo                                                    Carsten Brockmann

14:55     Discussion                                                                             All

15:10     WTF-CEOP                                                                         Satoko Miura

15:10     Overall Status                                                                        Satoko Miura

15:25     CEOP status                                                                          Satoko Miura on behalf of

                                                                                                             Prof. Koike

15:45     Break

16:15     Project and Applications Subgroup (Continued)

16:15     WTF-CEOP (continued)

16:15     JAXA Prototype System Status                                            Satoko Miura

16:25     NASA Satellite Data Server Status and Demonstration       Yonsook Enloe

16:55     Q&A, Discussion                                                                  All

17:05     Natural Disaster Management Project                              Pakorn Apaphant

17:05     Overall status                                                                         Pakorn Apaphant

17:10     ASIAES system                                                                    Pakorn Apaphant

Icebreaker Social at DLR 17:45.

Bus departs DLR 19:15.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bus departs hotels 8:00, arrives at DLR 8:30.

8:45       Convene

8:45       Project and Applications Subgroup (Continued)

8:45       EO Data Portal Task Team                                                Wyn Cudlip

              Review of Task Team Achievements and Plan for Closure

9:15       Global Data Sets Task Team                                              Wyn Cudlip, Lorant Czaran

              Global DEM update

9:45       Summary and Discussion                                                      Pakorn Apaphant

                                                                                                             Kathy Fontaine

10:45     Break

11:15     Technology & Services Subgroup

11:15     Subgroup Introduction                                                       Liu Dingsheng, Natalia Kussul

11:20     GRID Task Team                                                                Guoqing Li

11:25     WAG-CNES study status                                                     Jean-Pierre Antikidis

                                                                                                             on behalf of Paul Kopp

11:40     A project for Earth Observation based on WAG                  Jean-Pierre Antikidis

11:55     Chinese WAG activities                                                        Guoqing Li, Huang Zhenchun

12:10     Digital Forestry Gird in China                                              Zhang Xu

12:25     TBD

12:45     Lunch

13:45     Technology & Services Subgroup

13:45     GRID Task Team (Continued)

13:45     CAT-1 activity report                                                            Natalia Kussul

14:05     ESA report                                                                            Luigi Fusco, Guoqing Li

14:35     Sensor Web Task Team                                                      Terence van Zyl

14:35     Introduction                                                                          Terence val Zyl

14:40     NASA Focus on Earth Science Sensor Web Technology     K. Moe

15:00     Sensor Web for precision farming validation                        Luigi Fusco

              within the Frascati Living Lab

15:20     Sensor Web: The perspective of OGC                                  I. Simonis

15:40     Break

16:10     Technology & Services Subgroup (Continued)

16:10     Sensor Web Task Team (Continued)

16:10     Sensor Grid Application in Nature Reserve Monitoring       Zhang Xu

16:30     OSCAR - A Trial Sensor Web Implementation                    Paul Martin

16:50     WGISS Session

16:50     WGISS 5-Year Plan                                                              Ivan Petiteville

17:25     CEOS Report Outreach                                                        Ivan Petiteville

17:30     Adjourn

Bus departs DLR 17:45.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bus departs hotels 8:00, arrives at DLR 8:30.

8:45       Convene

8:45       Technology & Services Subgroup

8:45       ICS TT                                                                                 Jolyon Martin

9:15       IDN TT                                                                                        Tyler Stevens

9:15       GCMD/IDN Science User Working Group                          Wyn Cudlip

9:25       Review of Minutes and Action Items                                   Tyler Stevens on behalf of

                                                                                                             Arturo Restrepo

9:35       Update on Population and Usage Statistics                          Tyler Stevens on behalf of

                                                                                                             Rosy Cordova

9:45       Development Plans for MD 9.8 and MD 10                         Tyler Stevens on behalf of

                                                                                                             Chris Gokey

10:00     GEOSS Activities and other Collaborations                         Tyler Stevens, Wyn Cudlip

10:15     Node Reports                                                                        Bernd Ritschel, Others

              Current Usage of CEOS Earth Observation Handbook       Tyler Stevens on behalf of

                                                                                                             Arturo Restrepo

10:25     Evolution of Controlled Vocabularies                                  Tyler Stevens for

                                                                                                             Lola Olsen, Scott Ritz

10:35     Re-emergence of the Interop and Communications              Tyler Stevens on behalf of

                                                                                                             Tom Northcutt

10:43     The CEOS IDN Newsletter                                                  Tyler Stevens on behalf of

                                                                                                             Lola Olsen

10:45     Group Photo                                                                          All

10:45     Break

11:15     Technology & Services Subgroup (continued)

11:15     Data Services Task Team Session                                      Lyndon Oleson

11:15     An OGC Standards Driven Online Geodata Access for

              DLR’s National   Remote Sensing Data Library (NRSDL)  Torsten Heinen

11:35     IDN Services - Past, Present, and Future Initiatives for the

              Global Earth Science Community                                         Tyler Stevens

11:50     ECHO Web Services Update                                                Michael Burnett

12:05     Status of JAXA OGC Activities                                          S. Kawahito

12:20     Review DSTT Goals and Objectives                                    Lyndon Oleson

12:35     Technology & Services Subgroup Closing                            Dingsheng Liu

12:45     Lunch

13:30     Host Workshop

13:30     Welcome/Introduction                                                          Rolf Werninghaus

                                                                                                             DLR Space Agency

13:35     The TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Missions                         Jörg Herrmann, Infoterra GmbH

14:35     The EnMap Mission                                                              Timo Stuffler

                                                                                                             Kayser-Threde GmbH

15:15     Break

15:30     Host Workshop (continued)

15:30     The RapidEye Mission                                                          Michael Oxfort, RapidEye AG

16:10     The DLR Multi-Mission Ground segment                            Erhard Diedrich, DLR

16:45     GMES Applications Exploiting the New Missions               Gunter Schreier

17:20     Wrapup                                                                                  Gunter Schreier, DLR

17:30     Adjourn

Host Workshop Dinner

Bus departs DLR 17:45 direct to Dinner, return to the hotels at approximately 22:30.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bus departs hotels 8:00, arrives at DLR 8:30.

8:45       Convene

8:45       WGISS Plenary

8:45       WGISS Liaison Reports

-          ICSU                                                                        Liu Chuang

-          CODATA                                                                Liu Chuang

-          CCSDS                                                                    Wyn Cudlip

-          ICSU/World Data Center Panel            Lyndon Oleson (TBC)

-          eGY                                                                          Bernd/Kathy (TBC)

9:30       Future WGISS Meetings                                                       Martha Maiden

9:45       Report to CEOS Plenary (November 2007)                          Ivan Petiteville

10:45     Break

11:15     WGISS-GEO Discussions

11:15     DA-07-01 Virtual Constellations & Related Topics          Martha Maiden

11:20     Report on LSI VC Meeting and Progress                             J-P Antikidis 

11:50     VC System Engineering Office, an Introduction                 Steve Sandford (CEOS SEO)

12:15     Mid-Decadal Global Land Dataset                                       Garik Gutman (Invited Speaker)

12:45     Lunch

13:45     WGISS-GEO Discussions (continued)

13:45     DA-07-01 VCs & Related Topics (continued)                   Martha Maiden

13:45     Task AG-07-03 Request for WGISS Participation               Martha Maiden

14:00     Session Wrap-up                                                                  Martha Maiden


14:20     Reports on WGISS Contributions to the GEO 2007-2009 Work Plan

              (All presentations must be loaded to one computer to enable short report transitions.)

14:20     CL-06-02, AR-07-01, AR-07-02                                          Ivan Petiteville

13:30     GCOS actions for WGISS Wrap-up                                     Kengo Aizawa

14:35     CL-06-05, EC-07,01                                                             Tyler

14:45     WA-06-05, WA-07-01, WA-07-02                                       Satoko Miura

14:55     DA-06-04                                                                              Kathy Fontaine

15:00     WA-06-07                                                                             Liu Chuang

15:10     DA-07-06                                                                              Ken McDonald

15:15     DA-06-01, DA-06-09                                                            Martha Maiden on behalf of

                                                                                                             Dave Clark, Paul Kopp

15:30      DA-07-04 Sensor Web Enablement Wrap-up                       Terence Van Zyl

15:45     Break

16:15     WGISS-GEO Discussions (continued)

16:15     CEOS-GEO Implementation Steering Group                       Ivan/Ken

16:30     UK Support for GEO                                                            Wyn Cudlip

17:00     Conclusions and Way Forward                                             Martha Maiden and All

17:30     Adjourn

Bus departs DLR 17:45.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bus departs hotels 8:00, arrives at DLR 8:30.

8:45       Convene

8:45       WGISS Plenary (Continued)

8:45       Closing Ceremony

9:00       Agency and Representative Reports

-          DLR                                                                         Bernhard Buckl

-          NASA                                                                      Kathy Fontaine

-          GSDI Association                                                    Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp

-          JAXA                                                                       Satoko Miura

-          NRSCC                                                                    Dingsheng Liu

-          GISTDA                                                                          Pakorn Apaphant

-          NOAA                                                                     Ken McDonald

-          USGS                                                                       Lyn Oleson

-          GFZ                                                                          Bernd Ritschel

10:45     Break

11:15     Action Item Review                                                              George Dyke

11:45     WGISS Transition: Chair, Subgroup and Task Teams          Ivan Petiteville

12:40     Close WGISS Plenary

12:45     Lunch (DLR Cafeteria closes at 13:00)

Bus departs DLR 14:00.