CEOS and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". Satellite Earth observations provide a unique view of our world and provide substantial amounts of data that facilitate new methods and provide new insights for the Sustainable Development Goals and their Indicators.

CEOS has been supporting key SDG stakeholders including the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), UN custodian Agencies such as UNCCD, UNEP, and the UN Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the SDGs (IAEG-SDGS) Working Group on Geospatial Information (WGGI) to advance the uptake of Earth Observations (EO) in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development. CEOS has selected a limited set of SDGs to focus on impactful efforts to end users, but this may expand with the view to address priorities such as Climate and Biodiversity.

CEOS has prepared a document to guide its activity in support of the SDGs:

What CEOS can do to support the U.N. 2030 Agenda and the SDGs

For more information on how CEOS is coordinating its efforts on the Sustainable Development Goals, see the CEOS website.
The tables below summarise the requirements; stakeholders; relevant missions; and tools, services, and derived products for each of these target SDG Indicators.


The high-level measurement requirements for each SDG.


The key SDG stakeholders that manage SDGs. These stakeholders are the primary connection to CEOS.


These are the primary CEOS missions relevant to each SDG. These missions have global coverage and sustained time series. Links are provided to the CEOS Missions, Instruments and Measurements Database (MIM DB).

Tools, Services, Derived Products

These tools and services use CEOS satellite data and provide direct outputs for SDG users.

SDG Indicator 6.6.1: Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems

SDG Indicator 11.3.1: Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate

SDG Indicator 14.1.1a: Index of coastal eutrophication and floating plastic debris density

SDG Indicator 15.3.1: Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area

EO Enabling Infrastructure to Support SDGs

CEOS has developed a non-exhaustive list of commonly-used Earth Observation (EO) enabling infrastructures that use free and open EO datasets. Many of these resources broadly address the SDGs while a few are more focused on a single SDG. In addition, many of these resources are free and open to all users. Feedback on this table should be directed to:
Infrastructure Provider(s) Website Description Strengths Limitations Focus
Google Earth Engine Google Link A widely used platform with many satellite datasets and a programming interface. Free/open, large user community Unorganized community, no single sharing platform, commercial control All SDGs
Open Data Cube (ODC) CEOS, Open Earth Alliance Link A data management infrastructure used by Australia and Africa to manage satellite data. Open Source Software, growing users and application notebooks Requires installation and data indexing All SDGs
OpenEO Platform ESA Link A data processing and analysis framework based on open source software Open Source Software, data cube concept, common tools and datasets, unlimited use for ESA projects Limited use for non-ESA projects, limited datasets All SDGs
Trends.Earth Conservation International Link A data analysis tool focused on land degradation and urbanization Focused application products, Multiple languages Requires QGIS integration SDG 15.3.1 (land degradation), SDG 11.3.1 (urbanization)
CEOS MIM Database CEOS Link Extensive database of CEOS satellite resources Significant detail of current and planned missions Only civil space assets, no data access All SDGs
CEOS COVE Tool CEOS Link Satellite coverage visualization and analysis tool Extensive set of orbit analysis tools, well-documented with use-cases Only CEOS missions, connected to only common archives, no access All SDGs
Digital Earth Africa SANSA Link A free/open enabling data platform and program to support Africa users Focus on Africa countries, pre-processed continental data products, Jupyter notebook platform, capacity-building program Only focused on Africa All SDGs
EASI Hub CSIRO Link A high-performance scaleable cloud-based analytics platform based on the Open Data Cube AWS Cloud, Customisable, Scalable, excellent for service platforms Paid service All SDGs
Sentinel Hub ESA, Sinergise Link A cloud-based API and toolset for satellite imagery Ease of use, powerful EO browser with integrated products, library of application scripts Paid service, primarily focused on Sentinel datasets All SDGs
Dynamic World Google, WRI Link A near real-time land cover analysis system providing land class information Free/open, near real time, 10m resolution Only uses Sentinel-2 TOA data, requires Earth Engine access All SDGs (land focus)
SEPAL FAO Link A data access, processing and analysis system for land monitoring Open source, linked to Earth Engine datasets, Jupyter notebook interface Access requires approval, beta-level project funded by Govt. of Norway All SDGs (focus on deforestation)
RAPP CSIRO Link A spatial data platform for rangelands and pasture productivity Global monthly fractional cover maps and rainfall, open architecture, focus on Australia Limited to MODIS (500m) resolution SDG 2 (Agriculture)
Euro Data Cube ESA Link A cloud-based data access, processing and analysis tool Efficient access, includes a marketplace of services, some free options Paid service, primarily focused on Sentinel datasets All SDGs
Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) European Commission (Copernicus) Link Five (5) cloud-based platforms enabling access to Copernicus data and analysis tools Cloud operation, access to commercial datasets, efficient connection to Sentinel data Advanced use requires payment, limited non-Copernicus datasets All SDGs
CEOS ensures international coordination of civil space-based Earth observation programs and promotes exchange of data to optimize societal benefit and inform decision making for securing a prosperous and sustainable future for humankind.
Background Image Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/USGS