CEOS Development Environment

The CEOS MIM Database 2016 Edition


The European Space Agency (ESA) just released its annual update to the CEOS Missions, Instruments, and Measurements (MIM) Database (current as of October, 2015) — the only official, most up-to-date, and comprehensive statement available from the world’s civil space agencies on their governmental Earth observation programmes and plans. 

The Climate Edition of the Earth Observation Handbook

The Climate Edition of the Earth Observation Handbook

The CEOS MIM Database features details of 296 Earth observing satellite missions and 830 instruments that are currently operating or planned for launch in the next 15 years – funded and operated by ~ 30 CEOS Agencies worldwide. It also features historical missions (dating back 10 years or more) with data archives that provide important references for current and future applications. This database is the cornerstone of CEOS coordination efforts to resolve observation gaps and overlaps and optimise global observations in support of key societal needs such as climate change information.

This new release is based on inputs from CEOS Agencies in response to the extensive annual survey process and pairs well with the recently released Climate Edition of the Earth Observation Handbook. We welcome you to take full advantage of these powerful resources.