CEOS Development Environment


In a best-effort organization like CEOS, people, energy, and ideas matter. CEOS depends on its active Members and Associates (collectively known as “CEOS Agencies”) to ensure that key activities have sufficient human resources and seamless leadership at all levels. CEOS Agencies:

  • Provide leadership for the Plenary, SIT, Working Groups, and Virtual Constellations
  • Power and sustain CEOS activities
  • Generate new and innovative ideas and initiatives

Agencies also benefit from CEOS participation as they take part in collaborative missions/data systems and global initiatives to benefit society. CEOS Agencies work together to accomplish specific goals relevant to their own agency and mission priorities.

CEOS Members and Associates are listed below.

34 Members

Organization Headquarters Location Join Date Principal (P)
Contact (C)
Secretariat (S)
Agenzia Spaziale ItalianaAgenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)Italy1986
  • P - Laura Candela
  • C - Simona Zoffoli
  • C - Nunzia Paradiso
Canadian Space AgencyCanadian Space Agency (CSA)Canada1984
  • P - Guennadi Kroupnik
  • C - Éric Laliberté
  • C - Frederic Fournier
  • C - Paul Briand
Centre National d'Etudes SpatialesCentre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France1984
  • P - Selma Cherchali
  • C - Aurelien Sacotte
Centro para Desarrollo Tecnólogico IndustrialCentro para Desarrollo Tecnólogico Industrial (CDTI)Spain2007
  • P - Jorge Lomba
  • C - Mónica López
  • C - Emilio Vez
China Academy of Space TechnologyChina Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China1993
  • P - Cui Yufu
  • C - Dai Jun
China Center for Resources Satellite Data and ApplicationsChina Center for Resources Satellite Data and Applications (CRESDA)China2007
  • P - Xu Wen
  • C - Kevin Wang
Comisión Nacional de Actividades EspacialesComisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE)Argentina1999
  • P - Raúl Kulichevsky
  • P - Laura Frulla
  • C - Ana Médico
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research OrganisationCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)Australia1989
  • P - Alex Held
  • C - Flora Kerblat
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und RaumfahrtDeutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR)Germany1986
  • P - Klaus Schmidt
European CommissionEuropean Commission (EC)Belgium1994
  • P - Mauro Facchini
  • C - Astrid-Christina Koch
  • C - Mark Dowell
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological SatellitesEuropean Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)Germany1989
  • P - Phil Evans
  • C - Paul Counet
European Space AgencyEuropean Space Agency (ESA)Europe1984
  • P - Simonetta Cheli
  • C - Marie-Claire Greening
Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development AgencyGeo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA)Thailand2001
  • P - Pakorn Apaphant
  • C - Poramet Thuwakham
Indian Space Research OrganisationIndian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)India1984
  • P - Nilesh Desai
  • P - Prakash Chauhan
  • P - Shantanu Bhatawdekar
  • C - Rajeev Jaiswal
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas EspaciaisInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)Brazil1984
  • P - Clezio M. de Nardin
  • C - Lubia Vinhas
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and TechnologyJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency/Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (JAXA/MEXT)Japan1984
  • P - Hironori Maejima
  • C - Osamu Ochiai
  • C - Ko Hamamoto
Korea Aerospace Research InstituteKorea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Republic of Korea2001
  • P - Jeong Joo Rhiu
  • C - Hyo-Suk Lim
Korea Meteorological AdministrationKorea Meteorological Administration (KMA)Republic of Korea2016
  • P - Hoon Park
  • C - Ryu Geun Hyeok
National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationNational Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)USA1984
  • P - Karen St. Germain
  • C - Christine Bognar
National Institute of Environmental ResearchNational Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)Republic of Korea2018
  • P - Sangkyun Kim
  • C - Jaehoon Jeong
National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)USA1984
  • P - Stephen Volz
  • C - Charles Wooldridge
  • C - Katy Matthews
National Remote Sensing Center of ChinaNational Remote Sensing Center of China (NRSCC)China1993
  • P - Wang Qi'an
  • C - Zhang Chi
National Satellite Meteorological Center/China Meteorological AdministrationNational Satellite Meteorological Center/China Meteorological Administration (NSMC/CMA)China2010
  • P - Yang Jun
  • C - Jiasheng Zhang
  • C - Jinlong Fan
National Space Research and Development AgencyNational Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA)Nigeria2004
  • P - Halilu Ahmad Shaba
  • C - Matthew Adepoju
Netherlands Space OfficeNetherlands Space Office (NSO)Netherlands2011
  • P - Harm van de Wetering
  • C - Joost Carpay
Roscosmos State Corporation for Space ActivitiesRoscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities (Roscosmos)Russia1992
  • P - Mikhail Khaylov
  • C - Valery Zaichko
  • C - Alexander Konyakhin
  • C - Tamara Ganina
Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental MonitoringRussian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (ROSHYDROMET)Russia1992
  • P - Sergey Uspensky
South African National Space AgencySouth African National Space Agency (SANSA)South Africa2010
  • P - Humbulani Mudau
  • C - Asanda Sangoni
State Space Agency of UkraineState Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU)Ukraine1993
  • P - Oleg Fedorov
  • C - Natalya Kussul
TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research InstituteTÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute (TÜBİTAK UZAY)Turkey2006
  • P - Mesut Gökten
  • C - Sadik Murat Yuksel
  • C - Aysun Karaarslan
United Arab Emirates Space AgencyUnited Arab Emirates Space Agency (UAESA)United Arab Emirates2018
  • P - Naser Al Hammadi
  • C - Hasan Alshehhi
United Kingdom Space AgencyUnited Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA)United Kingdom1986
  • P - Harshbir Sangha
  • C - Beth Greenaway
  • C - Niall Bradshaw
United States Geological SurveyUnited States Geological Survey (USGS)USA2000
  • P - Jennifer Lacey
  • C - Tim Stryker
  • C - Tim Glynn
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology / Vietnam National Space CenterVietnam Academy of Science and Technology / Vietnam National Space Center (VAST/VNSC)Vietnam2013
  • P - Le Quynh Lien
  • C - Pham Anh Tuan
  • C - Chieu Linh Phan Ngoc

30 Associate Members

Organization Headquarters Location Join Date Principal (P)
Contact (C)
Secretariat (S)
Agence Gabonaise d'Etudes et d'Observations SpatialesAgence Gabonaise d'Etudes et d'Observations Spatiales (AGEOS)Gabon2015
  • P - Aboubakar Mambimba Ndjoungui
  • C - Nyam Doupamby Matoka
  • C - Farrel Nzigou Boucka
Agencia Espacial MexicanaAgencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM)Mexico2015
  • P - Salvador Landeros Ayala
  • C - Adán Salazar Garibay
  • C - Rosa Ma Ramírez de Arellano y Haro
Belgian Science Policy OfficeBelgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)Belgium1992
  • P - Steven Bogaerts
  • C - Peter Van Gelovan
Bureau of MeteorologyBureau of Meteorology (BOM)Australia2015
  • P - Agnes Lane
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO)Canada1990
  • P - Eric Loubier
  • C - Mathieu Benoit
Earth Systems Science Organisation (ESSO)India2012
  • P - VS Prasad
  • C - Hasibur Rahman
  • C - Mahesh Kumar
Environment and Climate Change CanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)Canada2023
  • P - David Harper
  • C - Shannon Kaya
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastsEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)United Kingdom2021
  • P - Florence Rabier
  • C - Vincent-Henri Peuch
Geoscience AustraliaGeoscience Australia (GA)Australia2013
  • P - Jonathon Ross
  • C - Maggie Arnold
  • C - Medhavy Thankappan
Global Climate Observing SystemGlobal Climate Observing System (GCOS)Switzerland1992
  • P - Anthony Rea
  • C - Caterina Tassone
Global Geodetic Observing SystemGlobal Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)International2011
  • P - Richard Gross
  • C - Martin Sehnal
Global Ocean Observing SystemGlobal Ocean Observing System (GOOS)France1992
  • P - Toste Tanhua
  • C - Pierre-Yves Le Traon
Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS)Italy1997
  • P - Matieu Henry
Intergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)France1991
  • P - Vladimir Ryabinin
International Ocean Colour Coordinating GroupInternational Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG)Canada2000
  • P - Shubha Sathyendranath
  • C - Raisha Lovindeer
International Science CouncilInternational Science Council (ISC)France1991
  • P - Katsia Paulavets
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingInternational Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)United Kingdom1998
  • P - Lena Halounova
  • C - Chen Jun
Malaysian Space AgencyMalaysian Space Agency (MYSA)Malaysia2016
  • P - Azlikamil Napiah
  • C - Azmah Ali
Norwegian Space AgencyNorwegian Space Agency (NOSA)Norway1990
  • P - Ole Morten Olsen
  • C - Vigdis Barth
Polska Agencja KosmicznaPolska Agencja Kosmiczna (POLSA)Poland2020
  • P - Grzegorz Wrochna
  • C - Jolanta Orlińska
Portuguese Space AgencyPortuguese Space Agency (Portugal Space)Portugal2021
  • P - Hugo Costa
  • C - Carolina Sá
South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research/Satellite Applications CentreSouth African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research/Satellite Applications Centre (CSIR/SAC)South Africa1998
  • P - Simphiwe Mkwelo
  • P - Marie Botha
Swedish National Space AgencySwedish National Space Agency (SNSA)Sweden1991
  • P - Anna Rathsman
  • C - Selima Ben Mustapha
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)Thailand1997
  • P - Wang Keran
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)France2002
  • P - Patrick McKeever
  • C - Yann Gavillot
United Nations Environment ProgrammeUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)Kenya1992
  • P - Jian Liu
  • C - Alexandre Caldes
United Nations Food and Agriculture OrganizationUnited Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)Italy1994
  • P - Matieu Henry
United Nations Office for Outer Space AffairsUnited Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)Austria1994
  • C - Jorge Del Rio Vera
  • C - Lóránt Czárán
World Climate Research ProgrammeWorld Climate Research Programme (WCRP)Switzerland1991
  • P - Michael Sparrow
World Meteorological OrganizationWorld Meteorological Organization (WMO)Switzerland1991
  • P - Albert Fischer
  • C - Natalia Donoho