CEOS Collaboration with the Commercial Earth Observation Sector
Established in 1984 under the aegis of the G7 Economic Summit, the mission of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) is to: “Ensure international coordination of civil space-based Earth observation programs and promote the exchange of data to optimize societal benefit and inform decision making for securing a prosperous and sustainable future for humankind.”
CEOS initially focused only on interoperability, common data formats, the intercalibration of instruments, and common validation and intercomparison of products. CEOS evolved over time, becoming more complex and expanding the number and scope of its activities. In some cases, CEOS focuses on validated requirements levied by external organizations (e.g., the United Nations System), works closely with other satellite coordinating bodies (e.g., the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites, CGMS), and continues its role as the primary scientific and technical forum for international coordination of civil space-based Earth observations.
Increasingly, CEOS Members, Associates, and priority stakeholders are integrating both civil and commercial Earth observation (EO) data to optimize societal benefit and inform decision making. To this end, the strategic priorities of CEOS affirm that it must remain a forward-thinking and adaptive participant in the Earth observing community. As the world increasingly seeks to use and integrate high-quality civil and commercial space data at multiple spatial, spectral, and temporal scales, CEOS seeks commercial space sector engagement that is mutually beneficial and capable of expanding global impact.
CEOS welcomes collaboration with the commercial Earth observation sector through its thematically and technically oriented Working Groups (WG), Virtual Constellations (VC), and Task Teams.
Leadership meetings, including annual CEOS Plenaries and SIT meetings, are reserved for CEOS Members and Associates as defined in the CEOS Terms of Reference.
Please explore the “Our Groups” section of this website to learn more about the broad range of CEOS entities and activities. Leadership contact information is provided. Interested parties should contact those leading each of these activities directly.
A drone’s-eye view of the VH-RODA 2024 workshop participants.