CEOS Development Environment

Technology Exploration Webinar #4

Please join us for our 4th Technology Exploration Webinar:

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Coverage Standards Suite: Introduction & Overview

Date: Friday, January 19, 2018   (Thursday, January 18 in Asia and Australia)

Time:   13:00 UTC (8:00 AM US EST)

Note: If you cannot attend the live webinar, the recorded webinar and presentation files will be made available here


Typically, “Big Data” in the Earth science domain arise from spatio-temporal sensor, image, simulation, and statistics data. The OGC coverage concept represents a unifying model for such data, based on which the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS), as OGC’s “Big Data” standard, provides versatile functionality. Large and growing tool support as well as the massive data offerings existing – such as the Petabyte services of the EarthServer initiative – highlight relevance of these standards. This has prompted further standardization bodies such as ISO and INSPIRE to adopt these standards, too.

In this webinar, Dr Peter Baumann (Managing Director of Rasdaman) will present the coverage data and service definitions and their use for building portals, with special emphasis on spatio-temporal datacubes. Ample room will be available for Q&A.

More information and connection details here