CEOS Development Environment


Document Management Table

Document name Custodian Document ID File name Current version Date Status
Preservation Workflow I. Maggio, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/PW Preservation Workflow 1.0 Mar-2015 APPROVED
EO Data Stewardship Glossary I. Maggio, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/GLOS EO-Data Stewardship Glossary 1.3 Apr-2021 APPROVED
EO Data Preservation Guidelines M. Albani, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/EODPG EO Data Preservation Guidelines 1.0 Sep-2015 APPROVED
EO Data Set Consolidation Process R. Cosac, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/GEODSCP Generic Earth Observation Data Set Consolidation Process  1.0 Mar-2015 APPROVED
Preserved Data Set Content R. Leone, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/EOPDSC EO Preserved Data Set Content 1.0 Sep-2015 APPROVED
Persistent Identifiers Best Practice K.Molch, DLR CEOS/WGISS/ DSIG/PIDBP CEOS Persistent Identifier Best Practice 1.4 July-2021 APPROVED
Data Purge Alert White Paper M. Albani, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/DPA Date Purge Alert White Paper 1.0 Apr-2016 APPROVED
CEOS Technical Content and Associated Information Preservation Best Practices I. Maggio, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/AKPBP CEOS Technical Content and Associated Information Preservation Best Practice 1.1 July 2020 APPROVED
WGISS Data Management and Stewardship Maturity Matrix White Paper  I. Maggio, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/DSMM WGISS Data Management and Stewardship Maturity Matrix White Paper 1.0 June-2023 APPROVED
Measuring EO Data Usage  I. Maggio, ESA


Measuring EO Data Usage Best Practice

 1.0 Jan-2019 APPROVED
Data Stewardship Reference Model White Paper I. Maggio, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/DSRM.TM Data Stewardship Reference Model White Paper 1.0 Dec-2018 APPROVED
Archive Technology Evolution White Paper I. Maggio, ESA CEOS/WGISS/DSIG/ATE Archive Technology Evolution White Paper 1.0 June-2023 APPROVED
CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice Minnie Wong, NASA CEOS/WGISS/OSBP CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice 1.3 Mar-2021 APPROVED
CEOS Service Discovery Best Practice D.Guerrucci, ESA CEOS/WGISS/SDBP CEOS Service Discovery Best Practice 1.0 Nov-2022 APPROVED























  • CWIC DIF Guide: How to register data collections in the IDN for CWIC















  • FedEO Data Partner Guide – How to register data collections in the Collection Catalog for FedEO and how to offer your agency satellite data for search and access through FedEO using OpenSearch







  • CWIC Client Guide for OpenSearch – How to connect your Portal or Client to CWIC and IDN using OpenSearch


  • CWIC Data Partner Guide for OpenSearch – How to offer your agency satellite data for search and access through CWIC using OpenSearch

Water Portal













WGISS recognizes the need and opportunity to develop a knowledge base of our experiences and ideas related to the issue of security. The purpose of this section is to provide a repository of WGISS content related to security and a platform for collaboration and discussion on topics related to security.

Resource Title Partner Description
Security in EO Systems – WGISS Whitepaper WGISS This paper was written by WGISS as a result of a series of presentations on IT security in EO systems.  It provides an overview of IT security, including a summary of threats, challenges to meeting those threats and captures the state of practice in the EO community.
Security: “Best Practice” Insights from the IDN IDN This paper offers some insight into experiences that the IDN has had in addressing its security risks.  Experiences include the usage of OGC services and it offers a set of “Best Practices”, based on their experience.
NASA ECHO Security Lessons Learned NASA/ECHO This presentation makes the case for the need to address security within the EO community.  A series of threats are identified and ECHO’s responses to those threats are described.
Security in the Earth Observations Infrastructure CNES This presentation outlines how the development process at CNES incorporates the need for security.  It identifies the role of the CNES ISS team within the phases of system development.
Security and the Open Geospatial Consortium OGC This presentation discusses the OGC perspective on security.  A set of web service security standards are presented, and it lays out the strategy for incorporating them in planned OWS initiatives.
SensorWebs and Security Experiences NASA This presentation addresses some of the impacts of securing sensor webs.  Topics discussed include the federated model for user authentication and authorization and an experiment using OpenID.