CEOS Development Environment


Event Dates: March 24th - 26th, 2020


The 35th Meeting of the CEOS Strategic Implementation Team (SIT-35) – Virtual Only

Final Minutes

Final Decision & Actions

During the 2020-2021 SIT Chair Term, the CSIRO/GA SIT Chair is focussing on the original vision for SIT, aiming to foster Principal-level discussion and decision making to bring resources to address the significant coordination challenges presented by the harmonisation of observing systems across space agencies. The approach to be taken is one of heightened attention on fewer priorities that reflect the major thrusts across civil EO programmes, priority needs identified during the previous SIT Chair term, recent CEOS Chair priorities, and requests from CEOS partners such as GEO and GCOS. A key goal of SIT-35 will be to secure in-principle support from CEOS Principals for concrete activities to be scoped in the lead up to the SIT Tech Workshop, to be debated and refined in detail during the SIT TW, and then presented to all Principals at the Plenary.

SIT-35 will focus on strategic topics and discussion aimed at identifying resources to escalate, elevate, and expedite existing CEOS Work Plan activities that directly support these major thrusts. SIT-35 will also trial a new type of session – ‘Pitches’ – which seek to inspire new contributions by providing an opportunity to briefly present potential new activities that CEOS should be aware of, or may be able to make a significant contribution to. SIT-35 will also include side meetings and a session to address the necessary on-going business of running CEOS. This will be bookended later in the year by the SIT Technical Workshop, which will focus on more detailed working-level task coordination. In addition to its function as a forum for CEOS Plenary preparations, it is expected that the Technical Workshop will provide opportunities for deeper dives into aspects of the CEOS Work Plan and priority tasks that would benefit most from face-to-face discussion.

During 2019 as SIT Vice-Chair, the team has listened across all CEOS meetings, as well as in multilateral and bi-lateral discussions with Principals, Agencies, and Working Team members to formulate priorities. These were presented at the 2019 Technical Workshop and 2019 CEOS Plenary, including during dedicated side meetings. The outcomes of this process can be found in the Plenary Presentation, with a summary of the priority areas below: CSIRO/GA SIT Chair 2020-2021 Prospectus.

Documents and Presentations

Meeting Documents

Day 1

Day 2

Session 1

  • Pilots Table (TBA, for information)

Session 3

  • 3.2: None
  • 3.3: None

Session 2

Session 4

Presentations (direct links)

Day 1

Day 2

Session 1

Session 3

Session 2

Session 4


SIT-35 Virtual Only: Agenda Day 1 – Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

Note: All times are ‘elapsed time’, with 00:00 being the start of the meeting on a particular day, 02:00 being two hours into the meeting etc.  All participants must be connected 15 minutes before the start of the agenda.  Meeting start tImes as follows:


US East






07:00 – 11:00

12:00 – 16:00

16:30 – 20:30

20:00 – 24:00

22:00 – 02:00

Session 1: Opening; COASTS; SDGs; SEO Report

00:00 – 00:20


1.1 Welcome and Introductions (A HeldA Lewis, SIT Co-Chairs)

Information [ Presentation ]

  • SIT Chair perspectives on SIT-35, introduction of priorities, agenda overview
  • Tour de table introductions

00:20 – 00:55


1.2 CEOS COAST Study Team Update (P DiGiacomo, COAST Study Team)


  • Presentation by COAST Study Team  (10min) [ Presentation ]
  • Potential priorities for pilots
  • Work Plan: schedule, deliverables, and resources
  • Principal and Working Team perspectives (25m interventions)

00:55 – 01:45


1.3 Sustainable Development Goals (A Held, SIT Co-Chair)


  • Priority Indicators (A Held, SIT Co-Chair) (15min) [ Presentation ]
  • Why is CEOS in the SDG business
  • Rationale for CEOS Action on these specific indicators
  • Proposed Deliverables: Sample Tools (e.g. Python notebooks), Good Practice Guides with blessing/collaboration/support of UN Custodian, Data Supply Analysis and Strategy
  • Tour de Table interventions to determine agency contributions (15m)
  • Update on Broader CEOS SDG Activity and links to GEO (M Paganini, SDG AHT) (10min) [ Presentation ]
  • Interventions for agency perspectives (10m)

01:45 – 02:00


1.4 SEO Report (B Killough, CEOS SEO) [ Presentation ]


  • Recent SEO activities

02:00 – 02:20

Break and “CEOS SIT-35 Selfies”**

Session 2: Climate, Carbon and Biomass; External Requests

02:20 – 03:50


2.1 Climate, Carbon and Biomass (A Held, SIT Co-Chair)

Information, Discussion [ Presentation ]

  • Session overview (5 min presentation)
  • Updates on technical activities (20 min, presentations)
  • CEOS Biomass Protocol (15 min) Briefing (L Duncanson, Biomass Protocol) [ Presentation ]
  • Interventions (15min) [ Presentation ]
  • UNFCCC relationship & policy relevance of EO (15 min ) Relationship heritage  (J Schulz, WGClimate) [ Presentation ]
  • AFOLU Roadmap (O Ochiai, JAXA) [ Presentation ]
  • Policy-driven mission planning example (M Dowell, EC) 
  • Interventions (15min)
  • Wrap-up (5 min)
  • Future CEOS activities on carbon and biomass (SIT Chair Team)

03:50 – 04:00


2.2 CEOS External Requests Process Paper (B Killough, CEOS SEO)

Information, Discussion

  • Update on activity
  • Recommendations on next steps
  • Interventions (5min)


SIT-35 Virtual Only: Day 2 – Thursday 26th March

Note: All times are ‘elapsed time’, with 00:00 being the start of the meeting on a particular day, 02:00 being two hours into the meeting etc.  All participants must be connected 15 minutes before the start of the agenda. Meeting start tImes as follows:


US East






07:00 – 11:00

12:00 – 16:00

16:30 – 20:30

20:00 – 24:00

22:00 – 02:00

Session 3: Analysis Ready Data; CEOS-GEO; Working Team Engagement

00:00 – 00:40


3.1 CEOS Analysis Ready Data (ARD): Beyond Land? Beyond Government? (A Lewis, SIT Co-Chair)

Information, Discussion

  • CARD4L Journey and Lessons Learnt (4min) [ Presentation ]
  • What needs to happen next, including possible pilot projects
  • CEOS ARD Strategy: Land, Ocean, Atmosphere (4min presentation)
  • Opportunities for ARD in The Deep (and Shallow) Blue Sea (P di Giacomo, COAST Study Team; V Tsontos, COVERAGE) (4min) [ Presentation ]
  • Tour de Table 1: Principal Perspectives on opportunities for the CEOS ARD agenda beyond land (12min)
  • What ‘ARD-like’ activities are already showing results in Oceans and Atmosphere?
  • Where might CEOS ARD for Oceans add value?
  • Where might CEOS ARD for Atmosphere add value?
  • What might possible pilot projects look like?
  • CEOS ARD Strategy: Working with the private sector  (4min) [ Presentation ]
  • Introduction of paper on Private Industry Interactions
  • Update on planned Industry Workshop at LSI-VC-10
  • Lessons from Landsat Collection 2 (S Labahn, LSI-VC)  (5min) [ Presentation ]
  • Tour de Table 2: Principal Perspectives on Engaging the Private Sector in CEOS ARD (10min)
  • How can CEOS engage data providers for mutual benefit?
  • CEOS ARD collections in the commercial cloud: What are the opportunities and challenges?
  • Looking forward: what might global, sustained, CEOS ARD collections look like?
  • Wrap up and Next Steps
  • Planned Discussions at SIT Technical Workshop

00:40 – 01:20


3.2 GEO Flagships/Initiatives and CEOS-GEO Coordination (A Lewis, SIT Co-Chair)

Information, Discussion

  • GEOSEC Report (D Cripe, GEOSEC) (5min presentation) [ Presentation ]
  • GEO follow-up on the Canberra Declaration
  • Debrief from 2020 CEOS-GEO Bilateral (K Sawyer, CEO) (5min) [ Presentation ]
  • Requests for CEOS
  • Selected Flagships/Initiatives
  • CEOS Support to GEOGLAM (I Jarvis, LSI-VC GEOGLAM Subgroup) (5min) [ Presentation ]
  • CEOS Membership on the GEOGLAM Advisory Committee [ Presentation ]
  • CEOS Support to GFOI (F-M Seifert, LSI-VC Forest & Biomass Subgroup) (5min) [ Presentation ]
  • CEOS Support to GEO-LDN (N Sims, CSIRO) (5min) [ Presentation ]
  • Principal and Working Team perspectives (15min interventions)
  • Opportunities to enhance and increase support for highlighted and other GEO Flagships and Initiatives
  • Wrap-up

01:20 – 02:00


3.3 Working Team Status and Engagement (A Lewis, SIT Co-Chair)

Information, Discussion

Context: the CEOS Working Teams are the Virtual Constellations, Working Groups and Ad Hoc Teams. Building on the work of NOAA as 2018-2019 SIT Chair, the CSIRO/GA SIT Chair Team has been exploring new approaches to connecting with the Working Teams to ensure they feel valued and engaged, and that their forward work plans are informed by overarching CEOS strategy.

  • Approach to engagement with Working Teams
  • Thematic Observations coordination deliverables
  • Key outcomes from VC one-on-ones
  • Outcomes of Working Team All Hands call
  • Approach to Working Team Day at Technical Workshop 2020
  • SIT Chair Proposal
  • Interventions from Working Teams and Principals (25m)
  • Precipitation Virtual Constellation Slide Deck

02:00 – 02:20


Session 4: Work Plan; Chair Business; Closing

02:20 – 03:20


4.1 CEOS Work Plan Deep Dive (K Sawyer, CEO)

Information, Discussion

  • Review of recently released CEOS Work Plan (highlighting links to GEO and other external stakeholders) (10m presentation)
  • Includes identified updates/requests/issues for specific CEOS Work Plan items requiring Principal attention.
  • Specific work plan items for discussion:
  • CEOS Water Strategy: Its future in the context of an obsolete GEOSS Water Strategy (D Cripe, GEO Secretariat) (3 minute presentation)
  • Interventions (8 min)
  • SST-VC White Paper: Delivering on the vision (Ed Armstrong, SST-VC) (4 minute) [ Presentation ]
  • Interventions (8 min)
  • CEOS support for disaster risk reduction (D Green, WGDisasters) (4 minute) [ Presentation ]
  • Interventions (7 min)

03:20 – 03:25


4.2 CEOS Plenary Session (CEOS Chair)

Plenary Decision

  • GTOS Membership (reconsideration of 2019 Plenary action CEOS-33-07) [ Presentation ]
  • Presentation by Chair (2min)
  • Interventions (3min)

03:25 – 03:35


4.3 CEOS Chair Update (CEOS Chair)

Information [ Presentation ]

  • Update on Chair Priorities and Plenary
  • Final Remarks

03:35 – 03:45


4.4 Any Other Business (A HeldA Lewis, SIT Co-Chairs)

  • CEOS Executive Officer role continuity (CEOS Chair, NASA) [ Presentation ]
  • Items as arising

03:45 – 03:55


4.5 Recap of Decisions and Actions (A HeldA Lewis, SIT Co-Chairs) [ Document ]

03:55 – 04:00


4.6 SIT Chair Closing Remarks (A HeldA Lewis, SIT Co-Chairs)