WGCapD Higher Resolution SRTM Data & Flood Modelling Workshop
The WGCapD Higher Resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Data & Flood Modelling Workshop – Americas
Hosted by: the Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (CRECTEALC)
Location: Tonantzintla and Puebla, Mexico

Rapid Flood Extent over the city of Magdeburg, Germany, derived from a Pléiades-HR data (70 cm) acquired the 10 June 2013 during the Elbe River flood event. Image credit: SERTIT, CNES/Astrium Services/Spot Image
In 2014, the U.S. Government announced the release of the SRTM 30-meter resolution global dataset, also known as SRTM-2. This is the highest quality digital elevation model (DEM) now publicly available. Among its many uses, the higher resolution data enables more accurate modeling of floods, coastal storm surges, mudslides, and volcanic lahar flows.
Following the announcement, our Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy (WGCapD) set out to make 30 m SRTM-2 data available to countries that need it through regionally focused workshops, hosted by respected institutions with expertise in DEMs. These workshops will help practitioners incorporate SRTM-2 data into their existing processes and projects, teaching them how to actively use 30 m DEMs.
The first WGCapD-organized SRTM-2 workshop of 2015 was hosted in March, 2015 by the South African National Space Agency (SANSA), targeting disaster management practitioners in the southern Africa region, with a particular emphasis on the TerraHidro and CREST flood models.
This workshop supported practitioners in countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region (LAC), particularly those developing disaster early warning and emergency response systems. The range of common disasters to be addressed includes flooding events, which have a large impact on economic and social development, and other disasters such as landslides.
Workshop Objective
The objective of this workshop was to build capacity in understanding and using 30 m DEMs derived from SRTM-2 data in flood modeling and, time permitting, other applications.
Target Audience
This workshop was aimed at:
- government technical personnel knowledgeable in GIS who either use or could use flood models in their regular job (e.g. hydrologists from ministries of water, agriculture, disaster management, etc.)
- disaster management specialists from outside government who are similarly knowledgeable in GIS
- professors / instructors in GIS or remote sensing.
Individuals in a position to train others were particularly encouraged to apply. Decision-makers and managers from disaster prevention and civil protection institutions who might benefit from timely and accurate information were also considered, with knowledge of GIS as a prerequisite.
Agenda & Meeting Materials:
Monday, May 25th, 2015 – Day 1 (Location: INAOE, Auditorio Docente)
Item | Time | Activity | Responsible Party |
08:30-09:00 | Arrival of Participants an Registration | CRECTEALC/INAOE | |
1 | 09:00-10:00 | Statements by Co-Sponsors | WGCapD/NOAA, MCTP, BUAP, CRECTEALC, INAOE |
10:00-10:20 | Coffee Break | ||
2 | 10:20-11:00 | Introduction to DEMs and SRTM Versions | Patrick O’Brien, NOAA |
3 | 11:00-12:30 | Introduction to CEOS and SRTM Project | Patrick O’Brien, NOAA |
12:30-13:40 | Lunch | ||
4 | 13:40-14:10 | AmeriGEOSS Intro | Nancy Searby, NASA |
5 | 14:10-14:40 | TerraHidro – Intro/Theoretical Concepts | Sergio Rosim, INPE |
14:40-15:00 | Coffee Break | ||
6 | 15:00-17:30 | TerraHidro – Tools and Usage Examples | Sergio Rosim, INPE |
18:30 | Welcome Reception |
Tuesday, May 26th, 2015 – Day 2 (Location: BUAP, Centro Cultural Universitario)
Item | Time | Activity | Responsible Party |
7 | 09:00-10:30 | TerraHidro – Guided Exercises | Sergio Rosim, INPE |
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | ||
8 | 10:50-12:50 | TerraHidro – Guided Exercises | Sergio Rosim, INPE |
12:50-14:00 | Lunch | ||
9 | 14:00-15:20 | TerraHidro – Self-led Exercise | Sergio Rosim, INPE |
15:20-15:40 | Coffee Break | ||
10 | 15:40-17:30 | TerraHidro – Further Exercise and Wrap-up | Sergio Rosim, INPE |
Wednesday, May 27th, 2015 – Day 3 (Location: BUAP, Centro Cultural Universitario)
Item | Time | Activity | Responsible Party |
11 | 09:00-10:30 | SRTM Versions and Access | Patrick O’Brien, NOAA |
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | ||
12 | 10:50-12:00 | SMAP | Erika Podest, NASA |
13 | 12:00-12:30 | EOPower | Sergio Camacho, CRECTEALC |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | ||
14 | 13:30-15:00 | GeoSUR Intro (Spanish) | Eric Van Pragh, ESRI |
15 | River Watch & MODIS NRT for Flood Response & Water Resource Management | Bob Brakenridge, University of Colorado, Boulder | |
16 | GeoSUR SRTM 30 m TPS | Matt Cushing, USGS | |
15:00-15:20 | Coffee Break | ||
17 | 15:20-16:30 |
CREST Intro Installing QGIS & TauDEM |
Race Clark/Zac Flamig, University of Oklahoma |
18 | 16:30-17:30 | CREST: Overview of Hydro Models | Race Clark/Zac Flamig, University of Oklahoma |
Thursday, May 28th, 2015 – Day 4 (Location: BUAP, Centro Cultural Universitario)
Item | Time | Activity | Responsible Party |
19 | 09:00-10:30 | CREST: EF5 Overview | Race Clark and Zac Flamig, University of Oklahoma |
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | ||
20 | 10:50-12:50 | CREST: DEM Derivatives | Race Clark/Zac Flamig, University of Oklahoma |
12:50-14:00 | Lunch | ||
21 | 14:00-15:20 | CREST: Rainfall and PET | Race Clark/Zac Flamig, University of Oklahoma |
15:20-15:40 | Coffee Break | ||
22 | 15:40-17:30 | CREST: Automatic Calibration | Race Clark/Zac Flamig, University of Oklahoma |
19:00 | Farewell Dinner |
Friday, May 29th, 2015 – Day 5 (Location: BUAP, Centro Cultural Universitario)
Item | Time | Activity | Responsible Party |
23 | 09:00-10:20 | CREST: Using and Interpreting Model Output | Race Clark/Zac Flamig, University of Oklahoma |
10:20-10:40 | Coffee Break | ||
24 | 10:40-12:50 | Participant Presentations | |
12:50-14:00 | Lunch Break | ||
14:00-15:00 | Hydrology Models Discussion & Feedback | Jesus Gonzalez, CRECTEALC | |
15:00-15:15 | Workshop Closure and Issue of Certificates |