CEOS Development Environment


Event Dates: February 22nd - 24th, 2016


The first face-to-face meeting of the LSI-VC (LSI-VC-1) will be held from the 22nd to the 24th of February at ESA ESRIN, co-located with a meeting of the Space Data Coordination Group (SDCG) for the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI). This presents an ideal opportunity for coordination, given common themes being explored by each group – including next generation data distribution architectures and Analysis Ready Data.

Location: Frascati, Italy

Hosted by: The European Space Agency’s Centre for Earth Observation – ESRIN


Minutes: PDF | Word

Agenda and Objectives

The current version of the agenda (v1.0) can be found here.

Files and Presentations


There will be a bus service running daily from Piazza di Roma in Frascati to ESRIN, departing at 8:15am Monday, and 8:30am on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Piazza di Roma. Click to enlarge.


An ice-breaker cocktail function will be held on Monday night and a no-host dinner will be held on Tuesday.

Further travel and accommodation information can be found here. This PDF includes information on accommodation, transfers and access to the venue (ESRIN). The meeting will be held in Room E on Monday morning, Tuesday and Wednesday. The joint meeting with SDCG will be held in the Magellan room, which is located next to the ‘Old Reception’ on the map on page 2.

Meeting Files