CEOS Development Environment

26th CEOS Plenary

Event Dates: October 24th - 27th, 2012


Hosted by: the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

Location: Bengaluru, India





Thursday, October 25th, 2012 – Day 1

Item Time Description
  08:30-09:00 Registration
Welcome & Opening Session
1 09:00-09:30

Welcome and Opening Remarks:

  • Introduction (Kiran Kumar)
  • Inaugural address (K Radhakrishnan, Chairman, ISRO)
  9:30-09:40 Group Photo
  09:40-10:00 Break
2 10:00-10:15

Organisational and Membership Matters (Rajeev Jaiswal, ISRO):

  • Earth System Science Organization (ESSO)/Ministry of Earth Science (MoES) – India [Presentation]
3 10:15-10:20

Coordination of Open Action Items from 25th Plenary (Rajeev Jaiswal, ISRO) 

Discussion of actions from the 25th  Plenary [Document]

4 10:20-10:35

Report from the Chair:  Accomplishments and Challenges (Kiran Kumar, ISRO)

Review of the progress of CEOS against the Chair’s objectives for 2012 [Presentation]

5 10:35-10:50

CEOS Executive Officer Report (Timothy Stryker, USGS)

Report on Executive Officer’s 2012 accomplishments and perspectives for the future [Presentation]

CEOS Self-Study Implementation Initiative (CSSII) Status Session
 6 10:50-11:10

CSSII Overview (Michael Freilich, NASA)

Review of 2012 CSSII Activities (Pat Jacobberger-Jellison, NASA) [Presentation]

 7 11:10-11:40

Reports from the Three CSSII Working Committees

  • Defining Responsibility for CEOS Essential Business and Core Activities (Paul Counet, EUMETSAT and Kerry Sawyer, NOAA) [Presentation]
  • CEOS Decision-making Process (Steven Hosford, CNES and Timothy Stryker) [Presentation]
  • Common Understanding of Major Meetings (Ivan Petiteville, ESA and Timothy Stryker) [Presentation]
8 11:40-12:45

Concluding Discussion Time (Moderated by Mike Freilich), including:

  • Actions
  • Way forward
  12:45-13:45 Lunch
GEO Session
9 13:45-14:00

Progress on Key GEO Priorities (Barbara Ryan, GEO Secretariat)

GEO’s current/future issues/challenges [Presentation]

10 14:00-14:10 GEO Secretariat Perspective on its Post-2015 Activities and Organization (Barbara Ryan)
11 14:10-14:25 CEOS Perspective on Post-2015 GEO (Timothy Stryker, Brent Smith, NOAA) [Presentation]

12 14:25-15:10

Annual Report on CEOS Implementation of the GEOSS Space Segment (Mike Freilich)  [Presentation]

  • 2012 accomplishments and lessons learned 
  • CEOS involvement in the 2012-2015 GEO Work Plan Tasks and Components
  • Virtual Constellation Progress on Key CEOS Priorities 
  • LSI Written Report
13 15:10-15:50

Concluding Discussion Time (Moderated by Tim Stryker), including:

  • Actions
  • CEOS-GEO relationship and Way forward [Presentation]
Established CEOS-GEO Priorities  
14 15:50-16:05

CEOS Strategy for Carbon Observations from Space (Osamu Ochiai, JAXA)

Carbon strategy report status- Way forward and Challenges [Presentation]

15 16:05-16:25

Forest Carbon Tracking and Global Forest Observation Initiative (GFOI) (Stephen Briggs, GFOI TF, Per Erik Skrovseth, NSC & Stephen Ward, DCCEE)

GFOI Implementation Plan overview and CEOS suppor [Presentation] [Technical Report]

16 16:25-16:45 

Space Data Coordination ad hoc Group (SDCG) (Stephen Ward, DCCEE & Ake Rosenqvist, NSC)

  • Baseline Global Data acquisition strategy for GFOI
  • Way Forward [Presentation]
  16:45-17:00 Break
Established CEOS-GEO Priorities Continued  
17 17:00-17:30

CEOS Contribution to Disaster Risk Management

Report of the CEOS ad hoc Group on Disaster Risk Management and Discussion of Next Steps (Ivan Petiteville, ESA) [Presentation] [Document]

18 17:30-17:45

Implementation of CEOS Support to Geohazards Supersites and Natural Laboratories (Klaus Schmidt, DLR) [Presentation]

Bangalore Statement
19 17:45-18:15 Introduce the CEOS Bangalore Statement (Kiran Kumar)
  18:15 Adjourn
  19:00-21:30 Cultural Programme and Reception Dinner at Hotel Sheraton

Friday, October 26th, 2012 – Day 2: Progress Reporting & Strategic Discussion

Item Time Description
Key GEO & CEOS Initiatives Session
20 09:00-09:30

CEOS Support to Food Security: Research and Monitoring

GEOGLAM and what GEO desires of CEOS (Pascal Kosuth, Cemagref) [Presentation]

21 09:30-09:50 Integrated Water Cycle Products and Services (Osamu Ochiai, JAXA) [Presentation]
22 09:50-10:15

Polar Ecosystems/Polar Space Task Group Report (Steven Hosford, CNES)

23 10:15-11:00

Concluding Discussion Time (Moderated by Tim Stryker) [Presentation]

  • CEOS support to key GEO initiatives discussion- Approval of the following CEOS ad hoc groups to continue for 2013, in accordance with CEOS ToR:
    • Ad hoc Group on Disaster Risk Management [Presentation]
    • Ad hoc Group on Space Data Coordination
    • Ad hoc Group on GEOGLAM
    • CEOS Carbon Task Force
  11:00-11:15 Break
Climate Session
24 11:15-11:30 Developments within GCOS (Jean-Louis Fellous, GCOS Secretariat) [Presentation]
25 11:30-11:45 CEOS Response to the Updated GCOS IP (Mark Dowell, EC-JRC)

26 11:45-12:15 Climate Monitoring Architecture from Space and Update on ECV Inventory (Mark Dowell)

27 12:15-12:30

Developments within WCRP (Ghassem Asrar, WCRP)

Role of Observations & Research in Climate Services

28 12:30-13:15

Concluding Discussion Time (Moderated by Kerry Sawyer), [Presentation] including:

  • Future directions for the Climate Architecture
  • Roles for VCs and WGClimate in the coordination of ECV development
  • UNFCCC engagement and CEOS GCOS IP response
  • Recent developments with the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and potential CEOS engagement  [Presentation]
  13:15-14:15 Lunch
 CEOS Working Group Session
29 14:15-14:30

WGISS Report and Actions (Satoko Miura, JAXA)

2012 accomplishments, current and future challenges, and requested commitments from CEOS members to further the objectives of WGISS

30 14:30-14:45

WGCapD Report and Actions (Hilcéa Ferreira, INPE)

2012 accomplishments, current and future challenges, data democracy and requested commitments from CEOS members to further the objectives of WGCapD [Presentation]

31 14:45-15:00

WGCV Report and Actions (Greg Stensaas, USGS)

2012 accomplishments, current and future challenges, and requested commitments from CEOS members to further the objectives of WGCV

Handover of WGCV Chair from USGS to CSA [Presentation]

CEOS Coordination & Outreach
32 15:00-15:15

CEOS Systems Engineering Office Report (Brian Killough, NASA) [Presentation]

33 15:15-15:30 

CEOS MIM Database and EO Handbook (Ivan Petiteville, ESA)

Briefing on updated tools for CEOS coordination and outreach [Presentation]

34 15:30-15:45

CEOS engagement for GEO and UNFCCC meetings in late 2012 (Rajeev Jaiswal)

GEO-IX: engagement and readiness

COP-18: engagement and readiness


35 15:45-16:15 Finalising the CEOS Bangalore Statement (Kiran Kumar) [Statement]
  16:15-16:30 Break
Future Vision & Agency Reports Session
36 16:30-16:45

Calendar October 2012 – November 2013 (Kerry Sawyer)

Discussion of CEOS-level engagement at key stakeholder meetings [Presentation]

37 16:45-17:45

Reports from CEOS Agencies on New/Emerging Initiatives with Potential for CEOS Cooperation (approx. 10 minutes each)

 38 17:45-18:00

CEOS Priorities and outcomes for 2013 (CSA)

Overview of next year’s objectives for CEOS- Vision and Goals of the incoming Chair [Presentation]

39 18:00-18:15

Future CEOS & SIT Chairmanships 2013-2015 (CEOS Chair)

Chair Handover & closing remarks

  18:15  Adjourn
  18:30-19:15 CEOS SEC-169 (CSA Chair)
  19:00-21:30 Host Dinner (The Golden Palms Avenue, Off Tumkur Road, Bengaluru)

Saturday, October 27th, 2012 – Sightseeing (Optional): Bengalore City Tour (07:30-15:30)