CEOS Development Environment

CEOS MIM Keywords mapped to GCMD Keywords

Each Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Missions, Instruments, and Measurements (MIM) keyword has been mapped to a Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keyword. This table shows the mapping between the MIM keywords and the GCMD keywords.

CEOS MIM Keywords Topic Term Variable_Level_1 Varaiable_Level_2 Variable_Level_3
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Aerosols Aerosol Optical Depth/Thickness
Aerosol Effective Radius (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Aerosols Aerosol Particle Properties
Aerosol Extinction / Backscatter (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Aerosols Aerosol Backscatter
Aerosol Optical Depth (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Aerosols Aerosol Optical Depth/Thickness
Atmospheric Chemistry – BrO (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Halocarbons And Halogens Bromine Monoxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – C2H2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds Non-Methane Hydrocarbons/Volatile Organic Compounds
Atmospheric Chemistry – C2H6 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds Non-Methane Hydrocarbons/Volatile Organic Compounds
Atmospheric Chemistry – CFC-11 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Halocarbons And Halogens Chlorofluorocarbons
Atmospheric Chemistry – CFC-12 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Halocarbons And Halogens Chlorofluorocarbons
Atmospheric Chemistry – CH3Br (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Halocarbons And Halogens Methyl Bromide
Atmospheric Chemistry – CH4 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds Methane
Atmospheric Chemistry – ClO (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Halocarbons And Halogens Chlorine Monoxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – ClONO2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Halocarbons And Halogens Chlorine Nitrate
Atmospheric Chemistry – CO (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Air Quality Carbon Monoxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – CO (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon Monoxide Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds
Atmospheric Chemistry – CO2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds Carbon Dioxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – COS (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Sulfur Compounds Carbonyl Sulfide
Atmospheric Chemistry – HCFC-22 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Halocarbons And Halogens Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
Atmospheric Chemistry – HCl (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Atmospheric Chemistry – HNO3 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Nitrogen Compounds Nitric Acid
Atmospheric Chemistry – NO2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Nitrogen Compounds
Atmospheric Chemistry – N2O (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Nitrogen Compounds Nitrous Oxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – N2O5 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Nitrogen Compounds Dinitrogen Pentoxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – NO (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Nitrogen Compounds Nitrogen Oxides
Atmospheric Chemistry – NO2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Air Quality Nitrogen Oxides
Atmospheric Chemistry – NO2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Nitrogen Compounds Nitrogen Dioxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – OClO (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds Hypochlorous Monoxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – OH (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Hydrogen Compounds Hydroxyl
Atmospheric Chemistry – SO2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Sulfur Compounds Sulfur Dioxide
Atmospheric Chemistry – SO2 (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Sulfur Compounds Sulfur Oxides
Atmospheric Pressure (Over Land Surface) Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Surface Pressure
Atmospheric Pressure (Over Land Surface) Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Atmospheric Pressure Measurements
Atmospheric Pressure (Over Sea Surface) Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Surface Pressure
Atmospheric Pressure (Over Sea Surface) Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Sea Level Pressure
Atmospheric Pressure (Over Sea Surface) Oceans Ocean Pressure Sea Level Pressure
Atmospheric Specific Humidity (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Water Vapor Water Vapor
Atmospheric Specific Humidity (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Water Vapor Water Vapor Indicators Humidity
Atmospheric Specific Humidity (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Water Vapor Water Vapor Indices Humidity Index
Atmospheric Specific Humidity (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Water Vapor Water Vapor Profiles
Atmospheric Specific Humidity (Column/Profile) Climate Indicators Atmospheric/Ocean Indicators Humidity Indices Humidity Index
Atmospheric Stability Index Atmosphere Atmospheric Temperature Atmospheric Stability
Atmospheric Temperature (At Surface) Atmosphere Atmospheric Temperature Surface Temperature
Atmospheric Temperature (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Temperature Surface Temperature
Atmospheric Temperature (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Atmospheric Temperature Upper Air Temperature
Bathymetry Oceans Bathymetry/Seafloor Topography Bathymetry
Cloud Base Height Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Properties Cloud Base Height
Cloud Cover Atmosphere Clouds Convective Clouds/Systems (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Cover Atmosphere Clouds Stratospheric Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Cover Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/High-Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Cover Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/Low-Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Cover Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/Mid-Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Drop Size (At Cloud Top) Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Microphysics Cloud Droplet Concentration/Size
Cloud Drop Size (At Cloud Top) Atmosphere Precipitation Droplet Size
Cloud Ice (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Microphysics Cloud Liquid Water/Ice
Cloud Ice Content (At Cloud Top) Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Microphysics Cloud Liquid Water/Ice
Cloud Imagery Atmosphere Clouds Convective Clouds/Systems (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Imagery Atmosphere Clouds Stratospheric Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Imagery Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/High-Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Imagery Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/Low Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Imagery Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/Mid-Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Liquid Water (Column/Profile) Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Microphysics Cloud Liquid Water/Ice
Cloud Mask Atmosphere Clouds Convective Clouds/Systems (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Mask Atmosphere Clouds Stratospheric Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Mask Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/High-Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Mask Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/Low Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Mask Atmosphere Clouds Tropospheric/Mid-Level Clouds (Observed/Analyzed)
Cloud Optical Depth Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Microphysics Cloud Optical Depth/Thickness
Cloud Top Height Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Properties Cloud Height
Cloud Top Temperature Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Properties Cloud Top Temperature
Cloud Type Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Types
Color Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Oceans Ocean Chemistry Organic Matter
Color Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Oceans Ocean Chemistry Dissolved Solids
Color Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Oceans Ocean Optics Ocean Color
Crustal Motion Solid Earth Gravity/Gravitational Field Crustal Motion
Crustal Plates Positioning Solid Earth Tectonics Plate Tectonics
Downwelling Long-Wave Radiation At Earth’s Surface Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Longwave Radiation
Downwelling Long-Wave Radiation At Earth’s Surface Oceans Ocean Heat Budget Longwave Radiation
Downwelling Short-Wave Radiation At Earth’s Surface Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Shortwave Radiation
Downwelling Short-Wave Radiation At Earth’s Surface Oceans Ocean Heat Budget Shortwave Radiation
Downwelling Solar Radiation At Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Solar Radiation
Downwelling Solar Radiation At TOA Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Incoming Solar Radiation
Earth Surface Albedo Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Albedo
Earth Surface Albedo Land Surface Surface Radiative Properties Albedo
Fire Area Human Dimensions Natural Hazards Wildfires
Fire Temperature Land Surface Surface Thermal Properties Land Surface Temperature
Fire Temperature Land Surface Surface Thermal Properties Skin Temperature
Fractionally Absorbed Par (FPAR) Biosphere Vegetation
Fractionally Absorbed Par (FPAR) Biosphere Vegetation Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Fractionally Absorbed Par (FPAR) Oceans Ocean Optics Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Geoid Solid Earth Geodetics Geoid Characteristics
Glacier Cover Cryosphere Frozen Ground Rock Glaciers
Glacier Cover Earth Science Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets
Glacier Motion Cryosphere Frozen Ground Periglacial Processes
Glacier Motion Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Glacier Motion/Ice Sheet Motion
Glacier Topography Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Glacier Elevation/Ice Sheet Elevation
Glacier Topography Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Glacier Topography/Ice Sheet Topography
Gravity Field Solid Earth Gravity/Gravitational Field Gravity
Gravity Gradients Solid Earth Gravity/Gravitational Field Gravitational Field
Height Of The Top Of The Planetary Boundary Layer Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Planetary Boundary Layer Height
Height Of Tropopause Atmosphere Altitude Tropopause
Ice Sheet Topography Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Glacier Elevation/Ice Sheet Elevation
Ice Sheet Topography Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Glacier Topography/Ice Sheet Topography
Iceberg Fractional Cover Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Icebergs
Iceberg Fractional Cover Cryosphere Sea Ice Icebergs
Iceberg Height Cryosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Glacier Topography/Ice Sheet Topography
Iceberg Height Terrestrial Hydrosphere Glaciers/Ice Sheets Glacier Elevation/Ice Sheet Elevation
Land Cover Land Surface Land Use/Land Cover
Land Surface Imagery Land Surface Land Use/Land Cover
Land Surface Temperature Land Surface Surface Thermal Properties Land Surface Temperature
Land Surface Temperature Land Surface Surface Thermal Properties Skin Temperature
Land Surface Topography Land Surface Topography
Leaf Area Index (LAI) Biosphere Vegetation Leaf Characteristics
Lightning Detection Atmosphere Atmospheric Electricity Lightning
Long-Wave Cloud Emissivity Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Radiative Transfer Cloud Emissivity
Long-Wave Earth Surface Emissivity Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Emissivity
Long-Wave Earth Surface Emissivity Land Surface Surface Radiative Properties Emissivity
Magnetic Field (Scalar) Solid Earth Geomagnetism Magnetic Field
Magnetic Field (Vector) Solid Earth Geomagnetism Magnetic Field
Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) Biosphere Vegetation Vegetation Index
Ocean Chlorophyll Concentration Oceans Ocean Chemistry Pigments Chlorophyll
Ocean Chlorophyll Concentration Oceans Ocean Optics Ocean Color
Ocean Dynamic Topography Oceans Ocean Waves Topographic Waves
Ocean Imagery Oceans Ocean Optics
Ocean Salinity Oceans Salinity/Density Salinity
Ocean Surface Currents (Vector) Oceans Ocean Circulation Ocean Currents
Ocean Suspended Sediment Concentration Oceans Ocean Chemistry Suspended Solids
Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation At Earth’s Surface Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation At Earth’s Surface Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation At Earth’s Surface Oceans Ocean Heat Budget Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation At TOA Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Atmospheric Emitted Radiation
Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation At TOA Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation At TOA Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Short-Wave Radiation At TOA Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Shortwave Radiation
Outgoing Spectral Radiance At TOA Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Atmospheric Emitted Radiation
Ozone Profile Atmosphere Air Quality Tropospheric Ozone
Ozone Profile Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Oxygen Compounds Ozone
Permafrost Agriculture Soils Permafrost
Permafrost Cryosphere Frozen Ground Ground Ice
Permafrost Cryosphere Frozen Ground Permafrost
Permafrost Cryosphere Frozen Ground Seasonally Frozen Ground
Permafrost Cryosphere Snow/Ice Permafrost
Permafrost Land Surface Frozen Ground Seasonally Frozen Ground
Permafrost Terrestrial Hydrosphere Snow/Ice Permafrost
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Biosphere Vegetation Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Oceans Ocean Optics Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Precipitation Index (Daily Cumulative) Atmosphere Precipitation Precipitation Rate
Precipitation Index (Daily Cumulative) Atmosphere Precipitation Liquid Precipitation Rain
Precipitation Profile (Liquid Or Solid) Atmosphere Precipitation Precipitation Rate
Precipitation Profile (Liquid Or Solid) Atmosphere Precipitation Liquid Precipitation Rain
Precipitation Rate (Liquid) At The Surface Atmosphere Precipitation Precipitation Rate
Precipitation Rate (Solid) At The Surface Atmosphere Precipitation Precipitation Rate
Sea Level Climate Indicators Paleoclimate Indicators Paleoclimate Reconstructions Sea Level Reconstruction
Sea Level Oceans Coastal Processes Sea Surface Height
Sea Surface Temperature Oceans Ocean Temperature Sea Surface Temperature
Sea-Ice Cover Cryosphere Sea Ice Ice Edges
Sea-Ice Cover Cryosphere Sea Ice Ice Extent
Sea-Ice Cover Oceans Sea Ice Ice Edges
Sea-Ice Cover Oceans Sea Ice Ice Extent
Sea-Ice Sheet Topography Cryosphere Sea Ice Ice Deformation
Sea-Ice Sheet Topography Cryosphere Sea Ice Sea Ice Elevation
Sea-Ice Sheet Topography Oceans Sea Ice Ice Deformation
Sea-Ice Sheet Topography Oceans Sea Ice Sea Ice Elevation
Sea-Ice Surface Temperature Cryosphere Sea Ice Ice Temperature
Sea-Ice Thickness Cryosphere Sea Ice Ice Depth/Thickness
Sea-Ice Thickness Cryosphere Snow/Ice Ice Depth/Thickness
Sea-Ice Thickness Oceans Sea Ice Ice Depth/Thickness
Sea-Ice Type Cryosphere Sea Ice Ice Types
Sea-Ice Type Oceans Sea Ice Ice Types
Short-Wave Cloud Reflectance Atmosphere Clouds Cloud Radiative Transfer
Short-Wave Earth Surface Bi-Directional Reflectance Atmosphere Atmospheric Radiation Reflectance
Short-Wave Earth Surface Bi-Directional Reflectance Land Surface Surface Radiative Properties
Significant Wave Height Oceans Ocean Waves Significant Wave Height
Significant Wave Height Oceans Ocean Waves Wave Height
Snow Albedo Cryosphere Snow/Ice Albedo
Snow Albedo Terrestrial Hydrosphere Snow/Ice Albedo
Snow Cover Climate Indicators Cryospheric Indicators Snow Cover
Snow Cover Cryosphere Snow/Ice Snow Cover
Snow Cover Terrestrial Hydrosphere Snow/Ice Snow Cover
Snow Detection (Mask) Cryosphere Snow/Ice Snow Cover
Snow Melting Status (Wet/Dry) Climate Indicators Cryospheric Indicators Snow Melt
Snow Melting Status (Wet/Dry) Cryosphere Sea Ice Ice Growth/Melt
Snow Melting Status (Wet/Dry) Cryosphere Sea Ice Snow Melt
Snow Melting Status (Wet/Dry) Cryosphere Snow/Ice Freeze/Thaw
Snow Melting Status (Wet/Dry) Terrestrial Hydrosphere Snow/Ice Freeze/Thaw
Snow Melting Status (Wet/Dry) Terrestrial Hydrosphere Snow/Ice Ice Growth/Melt
Snow Melting Status (Wet/Dry) Terrestrial Hydrosphere Snow/Ice Snow Melt
Snow Surface Temperature Cryosphere Snow/Ice Snow/Ice Temperature
Snow Water Equivalent Cryosphere Snow/Ice Snow Water Equivalent
Snow Water Equivalent Terrestrial Hydrosphere Snow/Ice Snow Water Equivalent
Soil Moisture At The Surface Atmosphere Aerosols Dust/Ash/Smoke
Soil Moisture At The Surface Climate Indicators Land Surface/Agriculture Indicators Satellite Soil Moisture
Soil Moisture At The Surface Land Surface Soils Soil Moisture/Water Content
Soil Type Agriculture Soils Soil Classification
Temperature Of Tropopause Atmosphere Atmospheric Temperature Upper Air Temperature Vertical Profiles
Total Electron Content (TEC) Atmosphere Atmospheric Electricity Total Electron Content
Turbulence Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Wind Dynamics Turbulence
Turbulence Oceans Ocean Circulation Turbulence
Turbulence Oceans Ocean Winds
Vegetation Canopy (Cover) Biosphere Vegetation Canopy Characteristics
Vegetation Canopy (Height) Biosphere Vegetation Canopy Characteristics
Vegetation Cover Biosphere Vegetation Forest Composition/Vegetation Structure
Vegetation Cover Biosphere Vegetation Vegetation Cover
Vegetation Type Biosphere Vegetation Deciduous Vegetation
Vegetation Type Biosphere Vegetation Exotic Vegetation
Vegetation Type Biosphere Vegetation Evergreen Vegetation
Visibility Atmosphere Air Quality Visibility
Volcanic Ash Solid Earth Tectonics Volcanic Activity Eruption Dynamics Ash/Dust Composition
Water Vapor Imagery Atmosphere Atmospheric Water Vapor
Wave Directional Energy Frequency Spectrum Oceans Ocean Waves Wave Speed/Direction
Wind Profile (Horizontal) Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Upper Level Winds Boundary Layer Winds
Wind Profile (Horizontal) Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Wind Profiles
Wind Profile (Vertical) Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds
Wind Profile (Vertical) Oceans Ocean Winds Vertical Wind Motion
Wind Speed Over Land Surface (Horizontal) Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Surface Winds
Wind Speed Over Sea Surface (Horizontal) Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Surface Winds
Wind Speed Over Sea Surface (Horizontal) Oceans Ocean Winds Surface Winds
Wind Stress Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Wind Dynamics Wind Stress
Wind Vector Over Land Surface (Horizontal) Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Surface Winds
Wind Vector Over Sea Surface (Horizontal) Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Surface Winds
Wind Vector Over Sea Surface (Horizontal) Oceans Ocean Winds Surface Winds