CEOS Development Environment

Ocean Colour Radiometry


The CEOS Ocean Colour Radiometry Virtual Constellation (OCR-VC) was established by the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG) with the goal of producing sustained data records of well-calibrated and validated satellite ocean colour datasets from measurements obtained from multiple satellites. All IOCCG Agencies serving on the IOCCG Committee support some aspect of OCR and are taking a leadership role in its activities.

OCR-VC activities include calibration, validation, merging of satellite and in situ data, product generation, as well as development and demonstrations of new and improved applications. Other ongoing OCR-VC activities include implementation of the INSITU-OCR White Paper and establishment of an Ocean Colour Radiometry-Implementation Team (OCR-IT). Linkages with relevant components of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet Task are also encouraged.

Please visit the OCR-VC webpage on the IOCCG website, or view the full minutes of the annual IOCCG Committee meetings for more information.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact the OCR-VC Co-Chairs for more information: