CEOS Development Environment

Floods in Libya in September 2023

Following the extensive flooding and damages caused by the breaking of dams in September 2023, the European Union (EU) requested the activation of the CEOS RO on October 13th. The purpose was to provide complementary data to IPSOS/Planet satellite products, contracted under the World Bank, in preparation for the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) scheduled for October 25th . SERTIT played a crucial role in this activation by furnishing analysis on the impact of the floods on the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector and Fisheries. Additionally, they added two Areas of Interest (AOIs), namely Shahat and Susah, and conducted an analysis of the suspended material discharged into the sea.

Inland waters : flooded areas

The status of Libya’s recovery framework is still under evaluation, with potential for further contributions from CEOS being considered. Among these contributions is the possibility of ASI conducting interferometric analysis of the affected zone. This additional analysis could provide valuable insights into the extent of damage and aid in formulating targeted recovery strategies. As efforts continue to assess and define the recovery framework for Libya, collaboration with CEOS and its member agencies remains integral to leveraging Earth observation capabilities for effective disaster response and recovery. The role of RO Liaison Officer was played by SERTIT.


Other RO products for the floods in Libya can be found here.