The 4th RO Demo activation was triggered on September 20, 2022 at the request of the European Union (EU), acting on behalf of the tripartite team comprising the EU, the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This activation was in direct support of the Post-Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA) and the subsequent formulation of the Recovery Framework. The formal request for the PDNA was made on September 16, 2022, followed by a request for a Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) in October of the same year. The initial products for Pakistan were delivered hastily, resulting in critical areas being left unaddressed and revealing coordination issues within the broader recovery effort. With improved coordination of resources, a more comprehensive outcome could have been achieved. By October, the PDNA report was produced, with the DRF following suit in December 2022.
CEOS significantly contributed in multi-source flood extraction layers and flood synthesis products. Flood synthesis products were intersected with land use and land cover layers and statistical insights were derived. CEOS contributions also enhanced our understanding on the impact of the floods on natural protected areas.
The focus of the RO activation was to provide complementary information to existing commitments, including contributions from IPSOS and CIMA/LIST. Analysis efforts zeroed in on 84 districts identified as “calamity districts,” addressing expressed needs related to potential landslides impacting orchards and potential impacts on Natural Parks and Reserves. Through these targeted efforts, the RO aimed to augment existing assessments and support informed decision-making for effective recovery strategies. The role of RO Liaison Officer was played by SERTIT.
Other RO products for the Pakistan floods can be found here.