The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Architecture for the use of Satellites for Disasters & Risk Assessment (GA.4.Disasters)
Purpose and Scope
The CEOS Working Group on Information Systems & Services (WGISS) project on the GA.4.Disasters is complete. Please read the final report: The GEOSS Architecture for the Use of Remote Sensing Products in Disaster Management and Risk Assessment, published in December, 2013.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many contributors to this WGISS project over the last two and a half years, from those who helped guide the scope and objectives to those contributing case study findings and presentations at WGISS meetings, as well as those who reviewed the final report. Thank you!
Learn more about CEOS Disaster Risk Management activities by visiting the CEOS Working Group on Disasters (WGDisasters) web pages.
The purpose of the GA.4.Disasters project was to address the use of satellites, sensors, models, and associated data products to support disaster response and risk assessment. The purpose of this GEOSS architecture was to provide an enterprise perspective for managing distributed systems and web services for disaster management. The intent was also to provide a common vocabulary to describe the GEOSS building blocks and how they are composed. WGISS evaluated existing and proposed disaster response and risk assessment processes as a point of departure in evolving the architecture descriptions. Key proof-of-concept prototypes were implemented to refine the architecture, to capture lessons learned, and to recommend standards for web service and system interfaces.
The Project Background/History/Further Reading document contains information on the Timeline/Milestones of the effort and to access other relevant documents and resources.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact the GA.4.Disasters points of contact for more information:
Karen Moe (National Aeronautics & Space Administration, NASA)
Sergii Skakun (National Academy of Sciences Ukraine, NASU)